Chapter 3

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Okay okay ;-; I give up. I'm not gonna apologise anymore, I'm a horrible writer :< Be prepared for really late chapters each time. I'll post chapter 4 by tomorrow. Promise ><



Akashi couldn't stop fidgeting, drumming his fingers anxiously on the steering wheel as he drove towards the venue printed on the ticket. He was going there two hours earlier than the time of the concert for the backstage meet the band session. From what he had read from the internet, there would be five lucky recipients of the backstage pass. I'm going to meet Tetsuya... I'm finally going to meet Tetsuya...

Parking his car in the carpark, Akashi made his way over to the concert venue where the recipients of the VIP tickets were supposed to gather. Showing his ticket to the security guard at the entrance, Akashi was given a backstage pass before he went in. Even though he was ten minutes early, Midorima and one of the recipients, who was obviously a hardcore fan of the band, were already there. The fan was talking excitedly to Midorima while the megane avoided making eye contact, looking extremly uncomfortable.

"... so cool!!! Did you see that video where he blew a kiss at the camera??? That was so precious!!! And that other one where-"

Noticing Akashi's arrival, the green-haired visibly relaxed, nodding in greeting. The fan, noticing that Midorima's attention was no longer on her, turned around to face Akashi.

"Oh hi! Are you also one of the lucky winners of the backstage pass?" Grinning excitedly, the girl waved. Akashi gave a light smile in return, bracing himself for a verbal waterfall from the hyper and sociable teen.

"Yes I am"

"Are you a fan of The Shadows??? Who do you like most??"

"I just got to know the band quite recently actually. Its quite a nice band in my opinion. Their music is good. As for my favourite band member... it would most probably be Phantom"

"Ooooh! I think his singing voice is amazing!!!! He's so adorable and when he smiles, it's just... Oh gosh~ His eyes are beautiful too~ Too bad he's much shyer than the other two. I personally like Grey best!!! He's so hot..." Akashi forced some smiles and nodded, zoning out as the girl went on and on endlessly before finally running off to talk to the next person who walked in.

"Thank god you came. That girl had been talking non stop for five minutes straight without stopping"

"She sure is excited"

"Tell me about it" Midorima rolled his eyes.

"I hope the other two aren't like the two of them" Akashi commented, glancing over at the two fans who were busy fangirling with each other.

"Other one you mean"

"Weren't there supposed to be five recipients?" Akashi asked in confusion, raising an eyebrow.

"There are already four people here"

"But aren't you Takao-san's-"

"Shh. That's a secret. Any... romantic relationships that the band has has to be kept a secret. If the fans knew that the band members were in a relationship, it would crush their fantasies. You saw how those fans are from that girl. Its what keeps the fanbase growing. I mean, would you be more interested in a young, good-looking, single lady or a young, good-looking lady who is already taken?" The megane shushed before explaining in a whisper, ensuring that no one but Akashi could hear him. Looking down blushing, Midorima continued. "That's why Takao is so clingy and acted that way with you. We can't be... a-affectionate in public and furthermore, we live in different places so naturally, he's paranoid that I may see someone else in his absence. I'm planning on moving in with him soon"

"I see..." Akashi nodded understandingly. If I ever get together with Tetsuya, it'll be like that as well huh... At least it better than nothi-

"KYAAAAAAA!!! ITS THE SHADOWS!!!!!!" Akashi's thoughts were interrupted by shrill screams from the two. Snapping his head up to face the opening door, Akashi felt time slow down as he took in the sight of his Tetsuya walking in between the other two band members. The blunette looked absolutely stunning, dressed in a black leather jacket, plain white T-shirt with black skinny jeans and high-cut black sneakers. He had a confident smile on his pink lips, his bright blue eyes sparkling, sending Akashi's heart racing at a hundred miles per hour.

Then, their eyes met.

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