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A few days have past and Kol has been bugging me non stop. Lots of texts and calls. I actually ended up having to block him due to his pestering and inability to take the hint that I don't want him near me.

Elena and I have been invited by Klaus to a party at his mansion tonight. We were allowed to bring a date. Although on my invitation, Kol asked me to save him a dance.

Elena of course was going to bring Damon, since she is sired to him, as we just found out a few days ago as well.
So, I asked Stefan if he could escort me, and he agreed happily, he could protect me and keep an eye on Damon and Elena.

I dress in a long sleeve black leotard and a white skirt over it. Black high heals, and I just re-curl my already long brown curly hair.
I do my make up and line my eyes with black eyeliner to make my brown eyes pop more.

I don't bother taking a purse and leave my phone at home. Jeremy won't need me, he's with Matt at his house and Elena and I will be together most of the night anyways.

The only reason any of us are going at all is to see what the Originals are really up to now that their mother, the Original witch is back alive.

Once in Damon's car in the back seat with Elena, Damon goes over the plan.

"Elena you will?" He quizzes her.

"Question Klaus while you-?" Elena asks him back.

"Distract Rebekah with my charming good looks," Damon flashes an arrogant smile, and Elena smacks the back of his head.

"Stefan you will what?" Damon asks his brother.

"I will protect Evelyn from afar while she-?" Stefan sighs and looks back at me now.

"While I distract Kol, which why am I happy homicidal Mikaelson bait?" I frown at Damon, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Because he's obsessed with you. And he's very smart so make it believable. Tell him that we made you block him and that's why you've been avoiding him. He'll eat it up in seconds," Damon smiles devilishly at me.

Rolling my eyes I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear,


When we arrived at the huge white house I stepped out of Damon's car and take Stefan's arm.
It wasn't a very fancy party but Elena and I were dressed very nicely and the boys wore suits.

Stefan glances at me, 


I nod and shrug, 

"As I'll ever be."

We take the front stairs slowly, I haven't walked in heals in a long time, two men stood at the doors and opened them for us. Elena and Damon are not too far behind us.

I took the lead and walked into the entry way, which was full of people at the party, glasses of wine and bottles of beer in everyone's hand.
Glancing around, my heart rate picks up, because I feel a pair of eyes on me.

Within seconds my gaze is locked onto to Kol's.

 Stefan sees him and I staring at one another and leans down to whisper in my ear,

"Go get him."

I roll my eyes at Stefan and squeeze his arm before letting go, which I see that Kol notices,

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