twenty three

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A/N: this chappie is dedicated to ih8alondra  THANKS SO MUCH, for all your support and help(: it means a lot
-ashes to ash



I wake up to a feeling of something between not happy and not sad. The first time in a long time I've woken up without the terror of a nightmare. And I realize I am wrapped in a pair of strong  arms. Peeking my eyes open, I see Damon.


Flashes of last night dance behind my eyelids, making my heart race as I remember what we did.

Rolling away from him quickly, I fall on to the hard wood floor on my bare ass and skimp to the bathroom to pull on my discarded clothes.

A headache pounds my skull and I see Damon wake up and sit up.
He eyes me playfully as I struggle to pull my shirt on over my exposed chest.

"Hey, Eve," Damon smirks at me with his sleepy face.

I tie my hair up in a messy not,

"Hey, yourself."

I go to leave the room but he's suddenly in front of me, using his vampire sped, in all his naked morning glory.

I avoid looking down at it, and focus on his serious yet playful look he's trying to pull off right now.

"What do you want, Damon?" I ask him, my eyes staying locked on his.

"You know last night was for all the wrong reasons," He stated bluntly, yet he raises an eyebrow playfully.

I nod and shrug,

"Stefan and Elena slept together so we did. And it was a mistake."

Walking past him he grabs my wrist and pulls me back so I'm inches away from his face, making my breath catch.

"I wouldn't mind making that mistake again, and again, and again," Damon whispers low and huskily in my ear before letting me go.

I keep walking down the hall, shutting his door behind me. My stupid human hearts pounding loudly in my ears as I reach the parlor room. I see Elena coming in the front door.

Her confused expression matches mine as she eyes me.

"Eve?" Elena looks behind me to where Damon's room is down the hall.

"Yeah? I was just talking to Damon. Do you need something?" I ask her politely, lying easily to my big sister.

I remember that she doesn't know, that I know, that her and Stefan hooked up.

"I wanted to ask Damon to dinner," She says slowly, now taking in my messy hair and flushed facial tone,

"Do I need to be worried about you and Damon now?"

"Damon and I? No, not at all. We are just friends." I say and push my hands in my sweatshirt pocket awkwardly,

"Well, Damon was going to go shower or something when I left him a few minutes ago so he might be awhile."

Elena sighs and smiles disingenuously,

"I can wait."

"Cool," I say with mock enthusiasm.

She walks into the parlor and sits down. The silence even more awkward as I continue to stand there.

"So, why do you want to take Damon to dinner?" I ask nonchalantly, messing with a tiny hole in my sweatshirt as I try to make boring conversation.

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