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I hear this tapping. It sounded like knuckles rapping on glass quickly.
Rolling over, I land on a solid chest. I flash my eyes open and scoot away in my bed from who it id.

"Stefan?" I ask him, my eyes wide at the fact we spent the whole night together.

Stefan groans gently as I have woken him up, and he rolls out of bed and stands up slowly,

"I'm sorry Evelyn, I meant to leave before you got up. You seemed so upset last night I just wanted to make sure you were okay and all. You wouldn't stop crying even in your sleep."

I frown and grab my bathrobe hanging on the back of my door and pull it on over my pjs, it was chilly, the window was cracked open,

"Thanks, I guess," I push Stefan out of my room and see his confused expression,

"I'll text you later, Stefan. Bye."

He nods and smiles before he leaves finally. I lock my bedroom door behind him.

I go to my window, the tapping started again as soon as Stefan left.
Pulling open the curtains, I see Kol outside my window in the tree.

"Kol?" I ask through the glass pane.

He nods and I swing my window open and he crouches on the branch,

"Can you invite me in?"

I eye him warily, my eyes still puffy from crying last night over him,

"You can come in, Kol."

He hops through the window with ease and looks me up and down,

"I'm sorry, for last night. For everything I said and for how I acted."

I shrug and move around to start making my bed, wanting this conversation to be over now,

"It makes sense though, I'm only human. You're this beautiful immortal vampire. It makes sense for you to not want me, Kol."

Kol frowns, I've never seen him show so much emotion like this in the little time I have known him, 

"You still don't get it?"

"Get what?" I ask and wipe a tear away that escape during my last speech of telling him how I know I'm not good enough for him, I toss another decorative pillow onto the finished bed.

"You're better than me, Evelyn. You are so much more pure than me. I only told you all of that stuff last night because my family was listening in. I didn't want them to think I have a weakness. They can be pretty evil," Kol explains as he comes towards me, cupping my face in his hands delicately.

"You were protecting me?" I ask slowly, trying to understand him.

Kol nods, his eyes pleading,

"Yes, love."

I throw my arms around his neck and hug him close to me and his arms wrap around my waist and he buries his head in the crook of my neck. 

I let out a dry sob,

"I thought you thought I was pathetic human. Only a play thing for you."

Kol shakes his head and pulls away from the hug and looks into my eyes, the sparks between us reignited,

"Evelyn, when you're ready, really ready. And if you end up wanting me forever. I'll turn you. But right now it's just feelings we have only just started."

"Okay," I smile, and lean up closer to his lips and smile again only playfully,

"Catch me if you can." Then I kiss the corner of his mouth and dart out of his grip and race around my room.

Kol chased me using his vampire speed and tackles me to my bed and holds me down, we stare at each other, my wrists in his hands.

His eyes suddenly become very lustful and determined,

"Do you forgive me, Eve?" He leans down and nibbles my ear as he whispers it.

I nod slowly and let my eyes close in pleasure as he begins to kiss my neck softly.

I moan lightly in response.

Kol starts to bite my neck gently and then he switches us with his vampire speed and I'm suddenly straddling his jean clad waist,

"Do you forgive me, Evelyn?" He growls squeezing my hips, leaving finger shaped bruises I'm sure.

I nod again and lean down to kiss his neck but before I can get more than three kisses in he switches us and holds me down again.

A loud bang surrounds us as my door is flung open, and Jeremy barges in.

Kol is gone in a flash of movement and out the window before Jeremy could see him.

Jeremy and I just stare at each other, my twin eyeing me just laying on my bed now sitting up looking bewildered and flushed.

"I felt something off. Are you okay?" Jeremy asks me suspiciously.

I roll my eyes and nod,

"I'm fine Jer. Get out, you can't just barge in my room whenever you feel like it now that I'm home."

Jeremy scoffs, but apologizes, 

"Sorry, Evie."

"Thanks. Now kindly remove your teenage boy self from my room," I smile sarcastically at him and follow him as he leaves, I lock the door again behind him.

I turn and see my window still open, the clock by my bed reads 6:45am.
Way too early on a Sunday morning for me to be up.

A paper airplane soars through my still open window and lands on my floor by my feet. I pick it up and elegant handwriting looks up at me as I unfold it.

So because your brother barged in on us, maybe we can continue this meeting later tonight? I've reserved a hotel room for us at the one in town. Meet me there around 9:00pm. Room 308. I'll be waiting darling.

-your original

I sigh and tuck the letter between my mattress and bed frame.
Should I meet him?
I decide I'll shower and think about it later today.

Kol is grand, yet devious.
Amazing yet secretive.
He cares about me that's obvious.

But a thought keeps nagging at my mind: he let me feel like crap just because he was protecting me and himself from his family. That's not such a big deal.
But I cried the whole night which was silly even though I really care about him.
And Stefan stayed with me last night. Not Kol.

But Kol and I have that special connection, I haven't felt it with anyone else.

I step into the shower after shedding my pjs and wash up and shave my legs. I use my strawberry shampoo and let the familiar scent of it calm me down. 

After my shower I wrap a towel around my body and ruffle my wet hair with a towel as well to dry it a little. Looking at my waist length long hair I pull the scissors out of my dresser drawer in my room.

Taking a deep breath I cut half of it off on one side. The curls look perfect, and shorter now just reaching below my shoulder blades.
No going back now. I cut off the other half and throw the hair away. I run my fingers through the shorter, but still thick strands. It felt liberating.
I ruffle my hair and get dressed for the day in dark jeans, tennis shoes and a white t-shirt with a black bandeau underneath.

My phone buzzes with a text message from Stefan,

Hey Evelyn its Stefan, how are you?

I'm alright Stefan. Tired. How are you? I press send and he immediately replies.

I'm okay. Do you want to meet up for coffee? His question left a smile on my face.

I type quickly, Sure. I'll meet you at the grill in 15?

Can't wait, He sends back.

Me either.

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