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I'm woken up by the blinding light from my window this morning. I grumble and pull my blankets above my head and prayed that the sun would go away.

It got stuffy under there so I popped my head out and took a deep breath of fresh air.

Begrudgingly, I get out of bed and pull on my slippers. I trudge out of my room and into the bright hallway. I step into the sleek kitchen and bend down to pull out a pan to cook eggs. While rummaging around in the cabinet I hear a wolf whistle. I blush and stand up immediately.

Whirling around, I'm met with the smirking face of Elias. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"You gave me a heart attack! I thought you were Luka!" I whisper-yelled at him. Eli just smirks even harder at me.

"You would've liked it," he says smugly. I blush and squat down to grab the pan. Standing back up I put it on the stove. Twisting the dial, I see the familiar red burner start to come to life. Striding over to the refrigerator, I grab the eggs and resume my spot at the stove.

"Ha! You would've! That's great! That-that's very f-funny!" he manages out between his laughs. I search for a spatula to flip the cooking egg with. Suddenly, I feel another presence in the room. I look over my shoulder to see Millie in shorts and a tank top and hair like the Tasmanian Devil ran through it.

"What's so funny?" she asks groggily. My head jerks up and my eyes go wide. If he utters a single-

"V-Venus likes-" he barely manages to get out before I take the egg that was resting in the pan and fling it at his face. The egg makes contact with his face with a splat. Millie has a shocked expression on her tired face. The poultry lands on the ground, revealing a pissed Elias. My left eyebrow is cocked and my lips are pursed-challenging him to say more.

"I'll give you ten seconds to run," he says in a voice that isn't his own; which means his wolf is present. My expression drops and I sprint out of the room.

Hearing his heavy footsteps behind me just fuels my adrenaline. I sprint so hard and fast that I didn't even notice the person whom I slammed into. I scramble to my feet and hide behind the lean body. I grasp their broad, strong shoulders and that's when the smell hits me. My pupils dilate and my body slackens for a second. Then the tingles set in. The sparks start from the tip of my fingers and spreads through my toes. The person I'm hiding behind is clearly my mate.

Swallowing my fear I stand on my tip toes to glance across his shoulders. An angry Elias glares at me.

"Enough! You two are acting like spoiled brats! Stop acting like children and be normal for once!" Luka shouts. I feel the vibrations underneath my hands of him talking. I rip my hands off his shoulders as if they were poisonous. I walk out from behind him with my head hanging low. If I were in my wolf form my tail would be tucked between my hind legs.

I speed walk back towards the kitchen until I feel a hand pull on the collar of my shirt. I fly back into the same chest I ran into just a minute ago. My back erupts in tingles at the contact of our bodies. He pulls my arms so they are behind me and pressing against his thigh.

"Where did you get my shirt piccola rosa?" he whispers in my ear. I shiver at the use of the Italian words.

"What did you just call me?" I ask unsteadily. He grins against my ear.

"That didn't answer my question, Venere. Where did you get my shirt?" he asks once again.

"And that didn't answer my question," I say while pushing myself off of him. I waltz towards the kitchen, glad with my smooth exit. While walking I trip on my foot and barely regain my balance. Yeah. Real smooth Vee. I roll my eyes and blush, knowing that more than likely Luka saw that as well. The soft snicker I heard from behind me answers my unasked question. I flip the bird as I walk into the kitchen.

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