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Two years later.

A loud laugh drew my attention from the stove where breakfast was cooking. The slow steaming of eggs rose to my nose, my stomach grumbling in anticipation. A sigh passed my lips in irritation. Luka was supposed to be tending to Dax while I made breakfast. Luka was a great dad, being very attentive to both Dax and I's needs.

Dax was his buddy, and nothing was going to change that.

Dax's childlike laughter resonated through the hallways. A faint mumbling from Luka had my eyebrows drawing in confusion. Reaching my hand out, I turn the knob to the stove off. Spinning on my heel, I flipped the radio to the 'off' switch, silencing the room.

Padding my way down to Dax's room, the sounds of joy get louder with every step. As soon as the white door greets my view, I slightly push against it.

It was like a bomb went off.

Clothes were strewn about the room, pull-ups littered the floor, and in the middle of the room was Dax. . . naked. I open my mouth to ask Dax where Luka was before the door to his closet flies open.

Luka appears, his hair a mess and clothes wrinkled, holding a stack of clothes with a Cars pull-up resting on top.

"Alright big man, let's do it," he grumbles out. His eyes flick up from the pile of clothes to look me in the face. Immediately, a sheepish smile wiggles its way onto his face.

"Hello wonderful wife o' mine!" He grins out, reaching out for a kiss. Crossing my arms across my chest, I raise my brows at him.

"Luka," a sickly sweet smile on my cheeks, "Why is our baby naked in the middle of the room?" He looks down at our child before looking back at me.

"Well ya' see, Dax didn't want to wear any of these outfits. . . nor any of the pull-ups. So I've had to get him new ones, but this is the last outfit he has," he trails.

I give a physical facepalm. Dax giggles from three feet away from me.

"He's two darling. You can't let him make decisions yet."

"But I-" he starts. I raise my hand and look at him, understanding in my eyes.

"I know, you don't want him to not like you. And Luka he won't not like you. You're a perfect dad. Better than any other I've seen," I assure him as I bend down to pick up a t-shirt that reads 'Daddy's Favorite'.

As I stand back up, I see adoration in Lukas eyes. He opens his mouth to reply before I motion to our child, still standing naked in the middle of the room.

"Now if you would please dress our child."

Not even twenty minutes after the whole dressing incident occurred, Eli came bursting through the front door screaming at the top of his lungs.

"Honey! I'm home!" he shouts, drawing out the 'home'. Dax shrieks with joy and sprints as fast as his chubby legs could take him down the hall.

A grin paints on my cheeks as I follow him to greet Elias, leaving Luka with the mess.

"Eli!" I greet before seeing him, "How was Peru-"

I'm cut off with the sight of Eli standing, with Dax on his hip and a beautiful brunette standing next to him.

"Who's this?" I question while raising a heavy hand to the woman.

"This, Venus, is Alicia. She's my mate." He answers, an easy smile on his cheeks.

It takes a minute for it to process in my head.





I shriek at the top of my lungs and tackle her in a hug. She's taken aback, but immediately hugs me back.

As fast as the shriek passed my lips, Luka comes thundering down the stairs. He shows up suddenly in front of us, confusion and worry etched on his features.

"Is everything okay?! Where's Dax?!" he quizzes, out of breath.

"Everything's fine, Dax is fine. I just got excited that's all. Luka, this is Alicia, Eli's mate." I explain while introducing the pair. Lukas shoulders sag as he catches his breath.

His hands on his knees, he reaches one out for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you."

"Likewise," she giggles out.

And so we all sat for dinner, enjoying ourselves, and I took it as an opportunity to glance at my life.

I had a beautiful baby boy, the best friends in my whole life, a wonderful husband, and a heap of happiness.

My life was finally the way I wanted it to be.

Mille sat at the end of the table, positively glowing; next to her was Eli, animatedly telling a story; next to him was Alicia, staring lovingly at her mate; next to me sat Dax, happily munching on chicken nuggets; and finally to my right was Luka at the head of the table.

Long gone was the man who scared everyone. Who sent people to their graves for giving him an accidental side glance. Replacing him was a loving husband and father. Despite thinking that no one was watching, I saw the secret glances he would give Dax and I.

I love you. I mind-linked him. His eyebrow twitched as he picked up a piece of broccoli with his fork. He looks up at me with a smile and shoots the words back at me.

I love you too.

Hey guys! So that completes this book, sorry for such SUCH a long wait, but real life is kicking my butt. I just wanted to thank you all so much for sticking with me through this book. I appreciate all the help you guys put in with me! I love you all so much! :)

Thanks for reading!

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