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The steady beeping of a heart monitor slowly pulled me out of my deep sleep. With blurry eyes, I look around the room until it gradually focuses again. The sleek white walls blinded my eyes. And the white ceiling lights hurt my eyes to where I had to squint them shut.

 Where am I? 

Why am I here?

I begin to shift into a better position, but a tightening on my hand draws my attention to it. A calloused hand grips mine. Following the hand with my eyes, I trail them up to the lean arm. Then to the tense shoulder. And finally to the head. 

Luka lies with his head rolled to the side, his mouth wide open, and his hair disheveled. The bags under his eyes were prominent. His hand had an iron grip around mine. Upon further examination, there was drool dangling from his lip. I smiled a small smile to myself. 

After a few minutes of letting him catch some sleep, his eyelids flutter open. He squints at me before closing his eyes again. Then, they shoot open again, as if someone had burned him severely with a brander. 

He sits as straight as a rail and scoots closer to me. 

"You're awake! You're actually awake!" he exclaims while crashing my head to his chest. I smile into his clothes and wrap my arms around his neck. Suddenly, a few drops of water land on my hair. Confused, I draw my eyebrows together and jut my chin upwards to look at Luka. His eyes are bloodshot, and watery. He looks down at me with adoration and love in his eyes. I look at him shocked. 

"What's wrong, Luke?" I ponder out loud. 

"I almost lost you. I don't know how I would be able to live with myself if you weren't to make it out alive," he explains while clenching his jaw. I stroke my thumb over the back of his hand. 

"I'm not going anywhere," I muttered into his chest. He strokes my hair and kisses the top of my head.

"Neither am I, sweetheart. Neither am I."


We both fell asleep for about half an hour before I woke to Luka talking with the doctor. I rub the sleep from my eyes and look at the doctor with a sleepy smile. 

"Hello Mrs Accardi. How are you feeling?" he asks me. I blush at the use of Lukas' last name in the context with me. I never had really though about how I was feeling. But now that the doctor mentioned how I felt, I realized that I felt sluggish, and hungry. 

"I'm a bit tired. And I could really use a burger right now," I mutter towards my hands. 

"As to be expected, given the situation you're in," the doctor replied to me. I nod my head, thinking about the most recent situation with Dominic. Glancing at Luka, I see that his jaw is clenched and his brows are furrowed.

"What do you mean the situation she's in?" Luka asks with emphasis on the word 'in'. Suddenly, I realize that the doctor said that I'm in a situation. Not that I was in one. 

"You don't know?" the doctor asks with confusion lacing his brow. I mimic the same face and shake my head negatively. 

"Can't say we do, doc," I answer with furrowed brows. The doctors eyebrows raise.

"Well then we have some good news for you Mr and Mrs Accardi," he replies with a smile. "You two are expecting!" My eyebrows shoot forward and my head starts to spin. A kid? Me and Luka are having a kid?!

I look at Luka to see the opposite reaction. His lips are spread in the widest smile I've ever seen and his eyes have begun to have a shine to it. 

"We're having a baby?!" Luka exclaims with joy bursting in his tone. His happiness begins to spread through my being, and soon I'm as excited as you are. 

"Correct. You're about a month long Miss Venus. Both you and the baby are in perfect condition. If you have any questions let me know. We plan on observing you overnight and if everything is good in the morning, we should be able to let you go home in the morning," the doctor explains and I nod my head to show that I understand. 

He leaves and silence blossoms in the room. I turn my head and lock eyes with Luka. The pride and joy in his eyes. He jumps on the bed and cages me in with his arms and legs. He pushes his arms into a ninety degree angle and kisses me. I smile against his mouth. 

"Thank you so much, Vee. You've given me something I wouldn't want anyone else to give me. A child; a part of me, and a part of you."

Hey guys! I know it's short but it's a super important chapter! 

I was able to squeeze in this chapter on a Saturday night of a softball tournament. So yes, I will have to wake up early tomorrow and then play again tomorrow morning. But I feel bad leaving you guys out to dry like this so I gave you a short, cute little chappie to suffice for a bit. I'll write again when I have the time. (Probably towards the end of October, early November!)

I love you guys! Thank you for all your support and understanding!

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