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Hey guys! So I know you have some questions about her feeling the pain. So, the whole reason she felt the pain, but he didn't cheat is because her wolf thought he was. Her wolf felt the contact with the other female and she got upset. Therefore, pain. 

Onward with the chapter!

The sunlight drafting through the window woke me up the next morning. Gently, I was able to stir myself awake. I attempt to blink the blur out of my eyes while staring at the ceiling. Groaning, I turn my head to look at the bedside clock. Instead of the red numbers greeting my vision, a large bouquet of flowers saluted my eyes.

My eyebrows furrowed as I stared at the plant. What the heck? Who gave me flowers?

The small card nestled in the petals caught my sight. I raised a sleepy hand to the small piece of paper. 

Good morning, beautiful. I have some work to do today, so I won't see much of you today. I wanted you to wake up with flowers so... voila! Anyways, I'll be in my office if you need me, princess. Have a good day.


My eyes furrowed even further as a blush formed on my nose. When did he become this romantic? I shrugged it off and slowly made my way off the bed. 

The cold hardwood greeted my toes as I place my feet on the ground. Shuffling my way towards the bathroom, I shut the door and glanced at the spotless mirror. Now that I think about it, everything in this house is spotless. Does little Lukey have OCD? I grinned to myself at the thought, no way he's got OCD.

I turn the nozzle to the shower, letting the warm mist spray out onto the cold tiles. I strip myself of my bed clothes and wait for the water warm up more. Holding my hand under the spray, it finally warms up enough for me to step in. I let the water relax my coiled muscles. Feeling my thoughts wander, I let them. 

What's up with Lukas' new demeanor? Why is he all of a sudden acting so lovey-dovey?

I think to myself as I scrub the shampoo onto my scalp. The scrubbing helps me relax a lot; the muscles in my arms going lax for a second. I finish washing every part of my body and make my way back out. Rubbing my hand against the mirror, the fog lets its' grip loose from the mirror. The reflection in the mirror startles me. 

My eyes have life again, my skin has a glow to it, and my shoulders have quit drooping; as if a weight has been picked up off of me. I let out a breath as I stare at my reflection. My toothbrush catches my eye. Seeing as though I haven't brushed my teeth yet, I grab the device and apply toothpaste. Brushing my teeth I let my thoughts wander once more.

I wonder what our pups will look like. Zyanna wonders into my brain. At the sudden intrusion I choke on the toothpaste and by default I spit it into the sink. 

Jeez, Zy! You can't think about that yet! We've hardly even made-up yet! I reprimand her. She gives a wolfy shrug and shrinks back into my mind. Through our bond, she sends images of what she believes our kids would look like.

The first image she sent was a little boy, a spitting image of a young Luka. The resemblance was uncanny. The only thing different was that this child didn't have a white streak. Instead it was an electrifying silver. 

The next image was a young girl. She had the same chocolate brown hair as me, but her bright blue eyes she seemed to inherit from her father. Her toddler smile had a warm feeling spreading through my abdomen. 

Suddenly she stops; she's aware of the effect of the images. She sends a doggy smirk and recedes into my mind again. I shake my head and smile, rinsing off the toothpaste and plopping the brush back in its holder. 

Waltzing my way back in I grab leggings, underwear, fuzzy socks and Lukas' hoodie. I dress myself and pull my wet hair into a messy bun. Beginning my trek downstairs I spy Eli walking out of his room as well. 

"Well looky here! We have found us a wild Venus!" Eli commentates. I grin at him and jab at his shoulder with my elbow.

"Shut up, Elias," I reply using his full name. He grimaces and crinkles his nose up.

"Stop it," he complains. I smirk mischieviously. 

"Elias, Elias, Elias!" I mimick. He glares at me and I laugh. I begin to speed down the stairs, Eli thundering after me. I speed my way around the house, with Eli chasing me. Ducking into Lukas' office, I draw attention. I continue running towards Lukas desk. Eli comes storming in the room. Launching myself at the chair where Luka is sitting, he catches me without a single 'oomph'. He raises an amused eyebrow at me and grins like a child.

"Hand her over and nobody gets hurt," Eli states with an accent. Luka drops his grin, now serious. 

"And if I don't?" he asks tonelessly. Elis' joking expression dropped as Luka pulls me closer to him. 

"Uh- you know what? Nevermind. We need an heir to this throne. You go do whatever you have to do," Eli says while backing towards the door hurriedly. My mouth drops open like a fish and the blush on my face makes itself very known. 

"Eli-!" I shout to the door, but alas, he is already out the door. I sit on Lukas' lap staring with wide eyes and a crimson blush bolded on my cheeks. 

"He's not wrong, you know. We do need an heir. But let's take this one step at a time. Mating ceremony first," Luka states after a fat silence. Nodding into his neck, I take in his scent. The aroma instantly calms the nerves swimming in my stomach. 

"Okay, so what first?" I shakily ask. 

"When do you want to have the ceremony?" he questions while shifting me to a more comfortable position on his lap. 

"Is Christmas Eve good?" I ponder out loud. He bobs his head and types something down on his computer. Today was December sixth. That gives us eighteen days to plan the ceremony. 

"Theme?" He quizzes. I let the thought flop around in my mind until an idea came to mind.

"How about love in a winter wonderland?" I put forward. He nods his head with a beautiful smile. 

After a couple hours of planning and prepping, we decide to break for dinner. Everyone else had already eaten and we were starving. With a smirk Luka hugs me from behind as I pull out a pot and fill it with water. Grabbing the noodles, garlic, tomatoes, and salt I head back over to the counter. I began to mash the tomatoes into a paste and I poured the noodles into the heating pot. Pouring a little bit of salt into the water I watch as it boils.

"Anything I could do?" Luka asks. I shrug. 

"If you want to you could put the garlic bread into the toaster oven," I suggest. A determined look fills his eyes as he squints. He shoots me a curt nod and turns his back to me and towards the toaster oven. I shake my head with a smile, continuing to mash the tomatoes.

A couple minutes later, I see Luka panicking out of the corner of my eye. 

"Um-" he cuts himself off. The smell of burning food, halts my movements. My head whips around, looking at a struggling Luka. He turns his head around, quite embarrassed. 

"What happened?!" I shout. He sends a nervous smile and he scratches the back of his head, embarrassed.

"I uh- I don't know how to work the toaster oven," he sheepishly declares. I shake my head and removed the now burnt pieces of Texas Toast. 

"Actually, I don't really know how to cook at all," he says so quiet I almost didn't hear. I swallow a laugh and tend to the meal. 

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