Chapter 3

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Hey everyone!!!! How are you all? I'm doing pretty dandy! I was wondering if y'all could share this book, I really want people to discover my stuff, I feel like many didn't get the message about the sequel 😬 enjoy anyways! 😀


Laura's Pov

I'm on the plane board out of my mind, I'm just listening to music, specifically the playlist Ross created me on this phone when he got it for me back in camp 😉 just listening to the variety of love songs he put on this playlist makes it all the more special. Every single song on this list has meaning to me, even if it's just one line or the melody... Everything Ross has done for me has left a significance in my life.

"Shut up and dance" is playing and this song makes me think of all the good times on set the A&A cast have had together jammin out between scenes and breaks. I just love music but my listening has come to a close as the flight attendant began speaking over the speaker

"Passengers, we will be landing in twenty minutes" she said smiling with joy. Wow twenty minutes and I get to go to the hotel, then finish shooting my music video, then I have to write a few new songs, then I have a few interviews and lastly I have to squeeze time in for my family.... And did I mention I'm only here for three or four days! Well I am! Then I go somewhere else, hopefully home but the label may want me back in Florida. Ugh we will have to wait and see

---the plane has landed---
Well the plane landed, Im done in baggage claim, I'm all good and now I just gotta text everyone. By everyone I mean first, my family, my dad likes to know I'm safe and second of course Ross...

Text convo:
To dad. From Laura 💜
Laura: just landed, headed to the hotel
Dad: why don't u stay with us?
Laura: it's ok, don't wanna intrude
Dad: sweetie, please I'm your dad, we want you safe and it's only a few days, plus we have space, I'll pick u up! ;)
Laura: ok then... 😃
Dad: see u soon!
((((End of texts)))))

So my dad is picking me up at the airport which is so generous because he really didn't have to do that! But I guess that's our relationship, we tell each other pretty much everything except.... I don't recall telling him about Ross but that's just because I don't think my dad wants me to have a boyfriend.... (I guess it's ok that we broke up so then I won't have to lie, I just gotta make sure my dad won't find out.... ) I thought to myself before seeing my dad pull up in his black SUV

"Dad!!!!" I screamed running up to his car door giving him a squeeze

"Hi honey, I missed you! How are you?" He said letting go of our hug

"I'm good I missed you to dad!" I exclaimed placing my suitcase in the trunk then hoping in front to the passenger seat and buckling in

"What have you been up to lately" he asked me while driving

"Nothing to wild, just work! Mostly music stuff now, a little Austin and ally action. Then Shooting music videos and all that jazz. Oh and of course missing family and friends" I said glancing at my phone of the pict of Ross and I.

"Nothing else?" my dad questioned

"Nope" I replied

"Well I do have a question for you though" he asked

"Yea go on" I said with confusion as we waited at the red light

"How come you and that blondie Ross Lynch where kissing in the pool at camp, I got a video of it" my dad said pulling out his phone and this made me freak out.... It was so awkward

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