Chapter 10:

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Sorry I haven't been updating... It is completion season so I don't have lots of time! Enjoy though! 😀

Ross Pov

Ross' Christmas:

The days just pass by... Slowly but surely. Everyday I keep thinking. I wonder when we shall meet again... It's only been a short time since I haven't seen her... The last time I did, things ended...

And it wasn't good, at least not for me

Ever since her birthday and that day we split I haven't been myself... And
I'm not the only one...

I haven't been me... I'm afraid to be me because a part of me is having her and now that she's gone I'm incomplete...

We have been so many different things over these 4, almost 5 years I've came to know her and now that we are apart I'm dying on the inside because she was that one friend I had to talk to when times were at an all time low

I thought I'd have her forever, but here it is, Christmas, a time for celebration and joy, celebrating the birth of Baby Jesus and rejoicing. I'm supposed to spend time with family, family and friends but who do I have... My siblings say I ruin their "vibes" and my mom and dad are to busy booking us magazine covers and interviews to notice my depression... I've been here in L.A. For nearly an entire month and the only person to notice my sudden changes was Rydel.. Once she saw I wasn't singing and performing like I usually do, she got really worried... She also said how concerned she was that I wasn't eating as much but

depression is much like a spoiled food that sinks to the bottom of your gut, making you feel sick, weak, and tired inside... Depression is not something that just comes instantly and goes away instantly, it's like the plague... It starts sinking in... Eradicating any other emotion or feeling you had.

I haven't been dancing or writing music...
I Also haven't been singing
There isn't a significant reason for me to preform anymore...

And I haven't been going to our apartment because there is no our

There is no us💔

--------- hours later-----------

"Ross, time for dinner" Riker said poking his head in my door

"Alright" I said sighing and standing up, walking downstairs and sitting down

"Who's hungry" my mom asked

"Me" everyone but myself said

"Ok, go eat!" Stormie cheered

Then everyone grabbed a plate and walked to counter where various foods were lined up... Pretty
Much the same exact menu that she had while I was at her house for thanksgiving...
Only now I'm girlfriend less

Then I grabbed a few foods and ate quickly before excusing from the table

Then a couple hours later we opened presents

Everyone opened their gifts that were under the tree from the sibling gift exchange except for me...

I grabbed the small box and opened it
Up, revealing a card and a small wrapped box... Wow, a box inside a box

Then I read the card

Dear Ross,
Merry Christmas! I know this gift seems kinda lame but sometimes the best gifts are those which are well though out and meaningful... If you don't want it, just let me know, I can easily give it to someone else or exchange it. Have a happy holiday full of joy and love...

Love Rydel ❤️

After reading her I opened the small box which contained a ring, a silver infinity ring which said "friends for infinity"
then there was a note on the inside...

I saw you lookin at this and u should give it to Laura, no matter what you guys should remain friends... It doesn't have to be marriage but give it to her as a promise ring of lasting friendship...
I know filming for the last day of A&A is coming so when she flys in give it to her then! 😉

"Wow... I can't believe You bought this for me... Thanks you!" I said giving me sister a tight squeeze...

Then for the rest of the night I sat quietly with my family as we play games and spend time together... Then as it got late I headed upstairs plopping into my bed to go take a shower....


Hey guys! Here's a quick update for y'all! I hope everyone is fantastic! This update gives you a quick insight on how Ross feels over the past month of not being with Laura. Next chapter will be Laura's Christmas... I just Wanted two shorter chapters instead of a big one cause I know a few of you have been waiting!

Comment: favorite line or part?

Comment: recommendations?

Remember to vote!!!!! Love you all

Happy new year! 😀🎈🎉🎊

Bye for now!


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