Chapter 16: new chapters in life

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Laura's Pov

Today is the day I've been waiting for since I met Ross, it's our wedding day and I couldn't be happier...

Right now my dad is about to walk me down the aisle, we are waiting behind the curtain....

"I can't believe I'm giving away my daughter, I'm just glad it's with Ross at least" he whispered looking At me

"I'm nervous" I told him

"Why? do you feel are you marrying the wrong guy?"

"No. No, Ross is great. I'm just scared, what if I fall? Or if there is a water leak and my makeup and hair gets ruined... I want to look my best for my husband. Also what if a random-"

"That won't happen. None of that will" my dad said laughing, then the music started playing. "Well that's our cue" my dad whispers as the curtain was pulled aside and the guests all stood up, Turning around to watch us............


"Ross Shor Lynch, do you take Laura to be your wife...." Yata blah blah blah the priest rambled on and all I could wait for was for Ross to say those two perfect words.... "I Do".... Yet the priest kept rambling as we stood on the beach ready to tie the knot

"I do" Ross said a few moments later, smiling nervously, looking at me dead in the eye as if I would say no.

"Now Laura Marie Marano, do you take Ross to be your husband, through...." The priest continued as I waited for him to finish... Which seemed to take for ever! But eventually he did finish...

"I do!" I stated grinning from ear to ear.

"You may now kiss the bride" the priest said and then Ross leaned in giving me a sweet kiss, sealing our marriage...

moments later we released from the kiss, both grinning at one another. The crowd raised to their feet celebrating the moment.

Then the crowd left, gathering along the beach before Ross and I walked down the aisle hand in hand, meeting with our guests.

"Hello, Laura Lynch" Ross whispered in my ear while smirking "you look beautiful"

"Well you my hubby, look handsome" I whispered back as we were soon split apart, greeted by guests, Everyone offering hugs and words of encouragement....

After that, the wedding party and I went to the beach to take pictures, soaking in the happy day...

We took a variety of pictures along the beach, capturing the best day of my life... Actually of our lives.

Then we got back on the bus heading for the wedding reception

"Are you excited for our reception?" I asked Ross

"Yea but I'm even more excited for something else" he replied

"And what might that be?" I asked

"Don't play so innocent Miss Laura" he said inching closer

"Seriously Ross, what?" I asked giggling

"Our honeymoon... Just us two, alone in a private beach resort, away from everyone else" he whispered while smirking

"yea that is nice" I replied. "But we have the reception first."

"Yea, there's that" he said pretending to be sad.

"Awe come on, we get to celebrate!" I said. "But first I have to freshen up" I added

"Why, you look amazing, like always" he said grabbing my hand and kissing it ever so gently

"You never fail to make me smile"

"I know, and your smile is one of the many things that keeps me going... That's why I wrote a song about it"

"Aweeee" that's so sweet I replied blushing

"Someone's turning into a tomato"

"You just ruined the moment Ross"

"I always do" he shrugged as we Arrived at the reception venue and we both quickly exited the limo. we walked in the amazing ballroom sitting down with the rest of the wedding party to be served dinner. Then we ate our meal before heading to the dance floor for our first slow dance.

"You excited for the honeymoon?" Ross asked as his hands gently found my waist.

"Yea. We do get to go to Australia again" I answered excitedly

"And we haven't been there since the Austin and ally promotion tour. Remember what happened back in Aussie?" Ross winked

"Yep. You kissed me on that private beach, said it was for practice since we had our first real kiss coming up for the show and we were just friends at the time" I replied

"Looking back that was so stupid, I shouldn't have made an excuse to kiss you, I should have just done it and told you it wasn't intended as practice, at least not for me Laur. I wanted to kiss you cause I really liked you back then, and now I love you" Ross confessed

"I love you too. I'm glad we're together... And I really enjoyed the kiss. It was my first" I said quietly blushing

"Really? I was your first Laura?"

"Yea, my first kiss, my first boyfriend, my first love" I said

"That makes me feel good, I'm really glad I found you"

"And I'm really glad I was found by you. You showed me a world I never know was out there. You guided me through all types of life and it was a crazy ride, with no ending that keeps going, but I'm ok with it, because I'd never wanna get off"

"I'm glad because being with you is my favorite ride of them all." Ross said leaning down and kiss my lips.  

The end

Hey guys! Thanks so much for tagging along on this journey! I hope you enjoyed this book!

It is over... I'm sorry, I just ran out of inspiration for this, it's getting boring and crappy

But, If you want a honeymoon chapter (one more chapter) I need at least 10 votes and comments for the plot... I will give credit to people who give me ideas!

I love you guys so much!!!! Thanks for all of you who read "summer camp". It's been almost one year!

There's no way I could make it without you! ❤️


-Tika Catarina 💎

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