Chapter 12:

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Hey guys! What's up? I am so sorry I haven't been updating frequently, I have exams this week and literally spent all day today doing homework and I'm not even half way done. Here's an update for you guys though!

Ross' Pov

So it's been a few days since Christmas and life has been getting worse by the minute...
I just keep waiting hoping for the text or that call saying she wants me back but nothing arrives...
I only get notifications from Twitter from my fans wishing me a happy birthday

Right now I'm in my car and I'm headed to a venue because we have a show tonight and
I'm really excited, it's a sold out show and it's right here in L.A.!!!

"Hey Delly, can you call Riker and tell him we are almost there?" I asked since I www drive her and Rat

"Sure" she said calling the rest of the band... We may or may not be late to soundcheck. 😬

------30 minutes later-----

"Don't threaten me with a good time" I sang over the speaker before ending the song

"And that's a wrap, everything sounds good" our sound techs told us

"Thanks bro" I replied before hopping off the stage and sitting In one of the theater seats checking me phone

"You ok Ross?" Rydel asked me

"Ummmm yea" I said

"No your not, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm cool"

"Ok, but tonight is going to be so fun! Birthday shows are the best! Fans always give gifts!!!! They are so generous!" Delly said, then she walked away... Phew!
"Oh wait Ross" she said Turing back around to face me

"Yeah?" I asked

"I know you miss her... Just try not to think about it to hard, it'll be ok" Delly replied softly

"It's never going to be ok!!!! We fought a lot but it was never monumental
Like that! It's like when she's in New York she's not the Laura I feel in love with, ever since she signed to a label she's a different person."

"Ross please, calm down, it's just a girl, there's to many fish in the sea to miss one, you'll catch another one eventually... Remember. The ocean is a very deep place, the deeper you go the tougher it is to swim, maybe she's not good for you, maybe she pulled you down, causing you to drown"

"That's not true!!! How dare you say that! She's the best thing that ever happened to me! If anything she kept me floated, and made me feel alive!!"
I yelled ferociously

"Geez, calm down! I'm sorry! I love Laura to, she's my sis, but maybe it's not meant to be" Delly said trying to calm me

"That's not true" I said running away

Laura's Pov

"Well bye guys, I'll see you again soon" I told my family hugging them at the airport

"Love you! Stay safe! Call us when you get there!" My mom said

"And no funny business with Ross!" My dad said

"We're not together!!!!!" I said annoyed

"I'm just kidding sweetheart, he's a nice boy, better than most" my dad said before giving me a final hug

"Bye guys! Bye Nessa!" I said before boarding my plane for the longest flight of my life....

I then sat down, and luckily Nessa got me first class seats, than I plugged in earbuds and began to doze off

----hours later----

"Attention passengers, due to heavy rain and wind reports we will be landing in Las Vegas Nevada until things clear up, have a fabulous day!" The flight attendant spoke

Then about 30 minutes later we landed in Vegas... Ugh! I don't wanna be here

"Excuse me, when will we be landing in L.A.? I asked the attendant once I grabbed my purse

"I'm not sure, maybe tomorrow, the storms are horrendous!"

"No!!! I need to get there! I have something important" I told her

"Like what?"

"Um it's my boy- I mean it's my friends birthday and I told him I'd be there..."

"I'm sorry sweatpea" she said

"It's not your fault" I mumbled

Then as everyone got off the plane the flight attendant spoke back up

"Guess what passengers!?! The storm is clearing off! Please take your seats and get ready for take off!!!" She said excitedly

Then I sat there, and sat there, and sat there just waiting until finally we took off... And then I feel asleep

"Sweetie, wake up!" The attendant named Sally said

"Wait what?" I asked

"We are here! Go get your guy!"she said winking

"Ohhhh thanks" I replied chuckling

"Have a good one!" She said

"You to, you too" I replied

"Oh do you need a lift to his place, I am staying here for a couple days and I have my car in the lot" she said

"It's ok, you don't have to do that"

"But I want to! I know I'm a stranger but  I like helping people" she said

"It's fine, I just have to get to this concert hall" I told her showing her a picture

"Oh that's right down the street, only a few miles down, cmon" she said taking me to her car, then I got in and she drove me to that hall

"Thank you Sally" I told her giving her twenty bucks

" no problem but don't pay me, it's alright"

"Just take it! Really I should be thanking you!" I told her

"Ok but if you need me, here is my phone, I'll be here until Saturday, so for a week"

"Thanks!" I said closing the car door

"Good luck!" She yelled from the car before driving away...

-------to be continued-------

Sorry it's short, I just wanted to give an update!!!!! I know it sucks! I feel bad about it!

I also am already crying about the finale tomorrow! It's going to be rough!

Anyways.... Vote!

Comment: what's going to happen at the concert? Is Laura going to the concert?

Thanks guys!


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