Chapter 4

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Hey guys!!! Here is an update for ya! Enjoy!

Laura's Pov

Beep beep beep my phone buzzes as my Ålarm goes off at 5:45am

That's right, I have to get ready and head to set for the music video shoot... Woohoooo, just kidding, I am not in the mood to see Clay today... Knowing him he will just complaint! Whatever though, just one more day and I won't have to see him! Phew!

Today I just threw on some leggings and a sweatshirt cause it's too early for this and they will have clothes, hair and make up on set! Thank Goodness for glam squads!
As I finish getting dressed I got a text from the director...

Text to Laura:
Get in the limo outside ur building, then go to hair and make up, then we shoot  a few scenes and that's a wrap😃

Phew! Almost done with this I thought to myself as I head down to the lobby to get in the limo. Once I get in there I am greeted by no other than Clay.... Whoopie! I think to myself

"Hey Laura!" He says happily.... Hmm that weird? Clay? Being happy?

"Hey" I said back grabbing a banana and getting comfortable side we have a long ride ahead of us.

"What's up! You excited!!!! I am" he said drinking a Starbucks drink

"Yea I just want to go home and see my boyfriend" I said tiredly unaware that I just said that

"You have a boyfriend?" He asked confused

Uh oh! I did not mean to say that!!! Plus Ross and I agreed to not call one another that while we aren't together since we didn't know what would happen with our careers

"Um yea..." I said trying to think of an excuse

"Who is he?" Clay asked eagerly

"He? I have many silly! I love my fish!" I relied creating a cover to confuse the bimbo aka clay

"Fish??? I asked you about a boyfriend Laura?"

"Here, this is a picture of my fish! That ones name is Bubbles, and that white one is fluffy, and that guy there is Aqua!" I said pulling a pict on google then saving it to my phone.... And the best thing is he believed me!

"Awe! They are cute! But you are weird Marano!" He said looking at me confused

"Yep... My boyfriends" I said sarcastically

"But seriously, you aren't fooling me... Who's the guy Laura? I know there is one"

"How'd you know? And why do you care? You never care. You always just complaint and never care about others" I told clay leaning back and closing my eyes

"That's not true, I do care but do I really complaint a lot?" Clay asked as if he didn't know

"Yea, every single moment!" I said while laughing

"Oh well I will stop my complaining if you tell me who the BF is" clay said pointing at me

"Why do you wanna know so bad!" I said

"Cause I can tell you haven't been yourself! You may think I'm full of myself but I'm completely... I take note of my surroundings and notice when people aren't themselves"

"That's nice and I'm not telling you"

"Laura come on! I won't tell anyone! Wouldn't it be nice to get it off your chest"

"Fine, if you insist, ok his name is Ross and I really like him" I said while fiddling with my fingers

"Oh spill girl" clay said

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