Chapter 13:

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Hey guys! How are you!!! Guess who updated... (Inserts Drum roll sound)....
That's right, me! Enjoy!

Rydel's Pov

"You guys ready, show starts in 20" Riker told my siblings and I while I remained backstage jamming out to my earbuds

"Yea, how about you?" he asked smiling widely

"I'm ready! Why You so happy?"I asked In jersey accent, (pre show rituals)

"I just am, today's vibe is just amazing! Why are you so happy?" He asked raising his eyebrows

"Um no reason, I gotta go to my dressing room" I replied running to my dressing room, unlocking the door, then re-locking it again so no one could get in...

"LAURAAAAAA!!!" I squealed

"DELLY!" Laura replied hugging me

"How are you? You look tired! How was the plane ride?"

"It was an average plane ride, a little bit stormy but overall ok. I met a really nice flight attendant who gave me her number... She's super nice"

"That's awesome! I'm so glad your here!!! Are you watching the concert?"

"Yea but I'm staying in the back disguised just in case... You know that back corner no body pays attention to"

"Ohhh-Kay? Well shall you get ready? I think you should wear something nice, we are going to go out to dinner so get in a dress and Come watch the show!!!" Delly said running out of the dressing. After she left I put on a white short dress, then applied some makeup and header to the back corner of the upper balcony... No one looks there

"Oh and Laur" Delly said popping her head in the dressing room

"Yes?" I asked

"Sit backstage... I have a spot he won't notice you, the back seats are already reserved. Plus you don't want fans spreading Raura rumors" Delly said giving me a backstage pass

"Thanks?" I replied while fixing my hair before walking out down the dressing room hallway while I heard Ross singing:

"If you love me let me go"

Wow, he is singing an incredible song... He's just so talented I thought to myself to Before going to the secret section backstage where I could see them but they couldn't see me... (Laughs evilly) Maw ha ha... Just kidding
I'm really excited!!!!
I love their songs!

-----------show time-------------

"Hey guys! We're R5 and welcome to our show!" Riker announced

"We have an awesome set list for you guys, get ready to have a great night!" Rocky yelled. Then they started playing tunes:
1.) Loud
2.)Things are looking up
3.) Can't forget about you
4.) Smile
5.)Sometime last night
6.) Repeating days
7.) crazy stupid love
8.)F.E.E.L. G.O.O.D
9.)one last dance
10.)here comes forever
11.)Cali girls
12.)stay with me
13.) this is gospel piano cover
14.) ain't no way we're going home

"Thanks guys!!!! For an amazing concert! Before you go we have two more songs!" Rydel said excitedly

"This is a cover, one of my favorite bands is letting borrow this song tonight and it kinda has to deal with a relationship I went through and words she told me and they way we felt... It's called this is gospel by panic! At the Disco, you guys will love it" Ross said sweetly as his eyes became glossy and he sat at the big white piano...

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