Chapter 6:

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Hey guys! Buckle up cause you are headed toward crazy town as we stop at the annual Marano family thanksgiving feast! (Featuring Ross Lynch😉)
(Not edited)

Laura's Pov

"Well happy thanksgiving everyone" I said glumly as a few of my aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas and cousins joined in the living room to watch tv before eating

I just feel awful cause Ross feels like an unwanted guest so he is staying in the guest room

I might as well send him a text, maybe get him to come out

Text convo:
To Ross😍❤️
Laura: hey! What u up 2?
(5 minutes later)
Ross: just resting
Laura: wanna come hang out with me?
Ross: I'm kinda tired
Laura: aren't u hungry 🍗🍞🍰
Ross: not really 😔
Laura: but ur always hungry, come on! I need u! 😀
Ross: nope I don't want to embarrass u
Laura: why? How? U wouldn't! ❤️
Ross: member what your dad said....
Laura: hang on a sec, brb...

Next placed my phone in my pocket and headed to the guest room Ross is staying in. Without knocking I opened the door then sat next to Ross to cheer him up

"Hey!!!" I said excitedly

"Shouldn't you be with your guests Laur, I mean it's your fam-" he started but I cut him off Giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"No, I mean I should but I'd rather be Here with you! They are boring down there anyways, my cousins are nuts"

"Laura we can hang out later, it's your family!"

"Ok..." I said giving him a hug before beginning to walk out "but why don't you come with me!" I said yanking his arm"

"Laura!" He said whining

"Oh come on, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-"

"Fine!" He said walking out with me to the Living Room

Then we both sat on the couch watching tv with my family

"Who is this young boy?" My grandma asked

"Oh this is my coststar Ross, he is also a very close friend who was in town and since his family lives in Colorado I offered him to stay with us!" I said happily

"Nice to meet you!" Everyone told Ross... Phew so far everything is going ok.

"Are you guys dating, I have always shipped Raura!" my 13 year old cousin Maddie asked

"Um just friends" I said

"Oh to bad!" She said sighing

"Time to eat!" My mom yelled so we all gathered into the dinning room and luckily for me Ross and I got seat next to each other, and he sat at the end of the table so it was just me next to him
(The table went like this)

Grandpa                               empty
Cousin Maddie                         Ross
Cousin Danny                  Me (Laura)
Cousin Mackenzie                  Nessa
Cousin David                    Aunt  Mel
Uncle joe                          Uncle David
Aunt Sara.                        Mom

(A/n: I made up most of the names! lol!)

So yea one big happy family!

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