Chapter 11:

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Hey guys! This is Laura's Christmas! Make sure you read the update before this one to hear about Ross! 😀😀😀


Laura's Pov

Today is Christmas... Christmas is so different in New York than back in L.A. First off it's colder in NY... But not as cold as my heart...

When people ask me if I have any regrets I usually say "no" because there's no point to dwell on the past if something you wanted to do but never did, instead think of future and that you wanted to do and make it happen...

Now if someone were to ask me about regrets I would have a definite answer...

I regret so many things... I regret not trying. I regret when I lose my temper and let others see me unstable but most of all, I regret losing him.

It should have never happened...
I was young, dumb, and stupid

We were strong, powerful, better together, but it's over... And I regret that...

I just wish I could stop thinking about him but I couldn't...

It's like a vicious game that just ends with stabbing... Stabbing in the heart...
I let love take my life, and in the end, both of us lost...

Although, it's not the end...
We still have time...
Time to reflect
Time to fix
Time to talk
Time to grow &
Time to love

Time is so precious...
So limited and so often waisted

I just wish I had more of It...
If we could turn back time, to another day I'd go back to when we were together and when I was his...

When it was us against the world

"Hi merry Christmas!" I greeted my family sitting at the Christmas tree...

"Hi honey! Merry Christmas!" Mom and dad said

"Hey sis!" Nessa said

"Well, let's open gifts!" My mom said full of glee

"Alright" I said half tired grabbing a big box and opening up revealing a new pair of teal converse shoes
"Thanks you!" I said hugging Nessa since she got me them

"No problem... There is also a card in the box" she said while opening the gift I got her... A heart necklace and matching bracelet

Her card said

Dear Laura,
You are the worlds best sister and my best friend... I love you so much and am so grateful that we are so close, growing up together. I know we both have careers and jobs but I love how we each make an effort to see each other at least once a month. I hope you enjoy this gift! I figured you'd want good walking shoes during your visit to L.A. Which I am giving you a plane ticket to go... So go, find that Prince Charming and have faith in love... Love is powerful.
-Vanessa ❤️

"Awe! Thanks Nessa!" I said as tears form in my eyes...

"No problem" and said while admiring the gift I got her

Then we opened more presents before enjoying a family dinner, just the four of us.

After Nessa gave me her gift I realized things are looking up...

I'm going to get in that plane tomorrow and go visit him.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading and stuff!

Hope you are all wonderful!

Comment: fav line or quote?

Comment: New Years revolutions??

Mine: to prefect my technique and turn more!

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