The Run Away Move

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"Now only 2 months left till meteor #45 hits earth whipping out the world as we know it" the news lady bombed. I looked around at my sister, on her phone, refreshing her Instagram. "Do you want to do something?" I asked. My sister stopped for a minute to think. "No" she answered not even looking at me. "Don't you want to do something. The world is ending in 2 months" I protested. She looked at me. Her burnette curls falling over her face. "I want to hang out with my boyfriend Hanna, not you" she said eyeing me. I looked back at the TV showing another picture of the meteor.

"Hanna, come help me" a voice yield from down the hall. My sister gave me a sinister smile as I got up. "Coming" I yelled back. I set my phone down on the coffee table and went off down the hall.

I walked down the hall to meet Oma (my grandmother). My father was sent to war and he hasn't come back yet. My mother died when I was 10, so five years ago. "Come help me here Hanna" Oma said sweet as a daisy. I bent over to find my grip on one of the many brown bags. Oma must have went to one of the last grocery stores that had food and water. Once I gripped the bag I stood right back up. The brown bag was heavier than I thought, how did Oma get this stuff home. "Jessica come help too" Oma called out to the front of the house. "Is it cause Hanna is too weak" My big sister teased walking down the hall. "No dear it's because there is a lot of stuff" Oma said trying to pick up a brown bag. She was about to drop it but Jessica swooped in. "Thank you Jessica" Oma smiled. Jessica gave Oma a grin and me a dirty look.

As we turned the corner to the kitchen and set the brown bags down. Jessica headed around the corner again to help Oma, I stayed to unpack. "Jessica you are to kind" I heard my Oma call. Oma never saw Jessica and I fight or be rude because that would break her heart, and Oma has a heart problem.

After the groceries were unpacked and Oma had settled in front of the TV watching Wheel Of Fortune. I didn't know they even made that show anymore. "Oma can I go outside?" I asked from the kitchen. "Sorry but no Hanna, you are under house arrest for the rest of your days. Like what if your father comes home" Oma said turning to look at me sitting on a bar stool. I knew my father wasn't coming home, he was left again right after mom died and the war was still going on but the U.S.A milatare was coming back. My heart was set that every time the door bell rang someone that worked with my father would give us a letter.

"Please Oma" I begged. She turned to me again, "Oh Hanna stop asking the answer will be no". I swiveled back around on my stool.

Jessica finally came down at 9:00 pm. She was in her prom dress, that she really didn't need now that school was cancelled and she wasn't going to graduate. "Oma can I go to a party, it would be my prom really" Jessica plastered a fake smile on her face. Oma couldn't see through it like I could. Jessica wasn't going to a prom, she was going to a party or club or even bar. I knew because I saw her texts and her prom dress was super short. "Oh Jessica" Oma started. Good she wouldn't go out,little bitch I thought. "Of course" Oma concluded. My evil smile went to an upset one. "No that's not fair" I cried. Jessica gave me a sinister smile and began to head to the door. "Okay then Hanna go with Jessica. It will be better that way" Oma smiled oblivious to the fact my sister's smile turned upside down. "Okay" I smiled getting up and walking over to my sister. "Let's go" I said slipping on my UGGS.

I got into the passenger seat and slammed the door. "You aren't coming to the club with me, you don't even have a fake ID" my sister complained. "I'm not going with you to a stupid club, drop me off up the road a bit or else Oma will see" I said head held high. I spotted Oma looking at us through the curtin. Jessica didn't protest, she backed up and headed straight.

About half way to the club Jessica pulled over. "Get out" she said not looking at me. I opened the door and grabbed my bag that I brought. It had food, water, money, my phone charger and my phone. "Bye" I said closing the door. Jessica drove off leaving my in the dust.

I began to wonder around, not knowing what to do. I only brought my bag cause I wasn't planning to go back. "No get away from me" someone yelled. I turned to see someone stepping out of an ally. It was a guy stepping back from a bunch of popular guys. I knew this because they all went to my school. Well use to. "Just take the drugs so we know you are cool" one big guy said. "Did any of you take it before" the guy stepping back said. "No, but just do it" another big guy said. I couldn't watch this happen. I ran over to the group.

"Hey baby" I kissed the guy refusing drugs. The other boys steeped back in shock. I came up and face the other guys. Jarred, Mitchell, Cameron and Kane. All the popular guys. "Hanna?" Jarred questioned. "Yep, now we have to go. Bye" I waved goodbye and my put my arm around the guy I kissed and dragged him to the other side of the road.

"Hanna?" the guy questioned. "Don't have to thank me" I smiled. "It's Kevin. I thought you hated me" Kevin said in a low voice though the popular guys where still around. I stepped back when we where out of sight and looked at Kevin. He was right I used to hate him for liking me. I made fun of him and for some reason that got me to the top. "Kevin why were you with them?" I questioned him more. "I need information, me and my friends are creating a video. But anyway thanks" Kevin smiled. Was it just me or did he get a lot hotter since I made fun of him. "What's the movie?" I said chasing after him as he walked. "It's more of a documentary, though it's about earth life here in 2024" Kevin shrugged. Wow he did get hotter. "And your parents are okay with this?" I said rolling my eyes just for the popular girl act. "My friends and I ran. We couldn't be in the captivity of our parents anymore. They kept us inside and we couldn't even go outside" he said looking at his feet. "I just did that, that's why I'm out" I said looking at his floppy burrnet hair. "Oh I was wondering that" Kevin turned the corner. "Can I join you guys" I asked hoping, wishing for a chance to show my real self. Not just my popular self. Kevin came to a stop. He turned to me. "But you are Hanna, a popular girl, you really want to do this?" Kevin questioned me raising an eyebrow. "Yep, please. I also have no where to stay" I pleaded. Kevin looked confused, then upset, them back to his normal self. "Okay" he sighed. I jumped up in excitement. I even squealed a little. He kept walking and I followed closely behind.

We got to the edge of the highway. Kevin came to a complete stop. I we t up and stood beside him. "So" I whispered going onto my tip toes. "This way" Kevin said in a low tone. He squatted down and swept off some snow beside a bolder. It was only grass. I gave Kevin a confused look but then he lifted the piece of grass up reviling a ladder. He moved out of the way so I could get down. I was so excited to start a new life with people that look at me as popular, then I can prove them wrong. I couldn't wait to finish my life in a high note. I couldn't wait to see what lays under my feet. And I couldn't wait to meet some new friends and film this video.

A/N: Yo.
I'm trying to create this in the future point off view, and this book I promise will be amazing.  The picture above is Hanna by the way. So stay tuned to see the rest off the book because this is only the preview/ chapter 1. So tune in for the rest!! I can't wait!


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