Wounds Speak Louder Than Words

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"Hanna" the voice boomed again.  Fear flooded me.  "I...I...I" I studered.  "Young lady" my father's voice said.  I turned to Kevin for help.  "I'm sorry sir I'm Kevin" Kevin stood to shake my father's hand.  My father grunted.  He reached down for my wrist.  "No" I said stepping back.  "I'm not going with you or Jessica or Oma I'm staying with Kevin" I protested grabbing Kevin's arm and pulling it close to me.  "Hanna Pris Mayback" my father yelled.  The whole neighborhood must have been woken by now.  "No" I screamed at the top of my lungs.  Ratting came from the grass cover.  Kevin quickly rushed over and put his foot on it so no one could come out.  My father gripped my wrist.  I couldn't move it at all, I was paralyzed in fear.  Kevin looked at me.  My father started to drag me away.  I reached my free hand out to Kevin.  "I'll be back" I yelled.  He yelled something back but I couldn't hear. 

"Jessica prepare a warm bath" my father order walking into the house.  Jessica lept up as I entered.  She nodded and rushed upstairs.  My father threw me to the ground and bolted the door.  He went over to the hall closet and hung up his jacket.  I tryed to get up but I was slapped back down.  He kept hitting me over and over and over again. 

"It's okay" Jessica whispered.  She was washing me in the steamy bath tub.  My scars where still swollen from my father.  "I left for a reason" I muttered , "I never wanted him to come back".  Jessica stopped scrubbing me for a minute.  "He is still mad at mom's death and he blames you" she said silently.  I rolled my eyes.  "Will he shouldn't" I spoke up.  Jessica stood, "okay fine what ever.  Good night" she rushed out of the bathroom. 

I curled up in my bed.  It was so much different rather than a sleeping bag in a cool dug out room.  I closed my eyes.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy" I complained.  "Shut up you little brat" Jessica said twirling her hair.  "Jessica don't use that language" my mom said in a sweet tone.  "All of you quite" my father yelled.  My mom put her hand on his shoulder but he shrugged it off.   "Mommy" I screamed.  "What is it Hanna" my mom said turning back to look at me.  "Can we go to Starbucks" I pleaded.  "Ya" Jessica agreed.  My mom glanced at the road then back at me.  "Hanna look at me" she started.  "We are not going to....." the car was hit at the side.  Shadders of glass and metal came flooding in.  "Mommy" I screamed.  Everything went black.

I jolted up.  My breathing was heavy.  I pulled the purple blanket closer to me.  I stared at the mirror for a minute, it wasn't my fault, was it?  "Hanna" Jessica said peaking in the door.  "Was it my fault?" I asked tears weling up.  "No it was no one's fault" Jessica said coming closer to me.  She came up and sat on my bed.  I couldn't look her in the eyes.  "Were you in the house when the water was knocked over?" Jessica asked trying to get me to look into her eyes.  "Yes" I confessed.  "Why did you not come back" she said trying to pick out every last thing.  "Because I don't want to live like this okay.  I left so I could have a life" I shouted.  Jessica paused for a moment.  "You know I.....I can let you go again.  Dad and Oma won't know" Jessica studered.  I nodded my head not willing to talk incase my voice cracked.  Jessica had a faint smile and left.  I slipped back down and closed my eyes tight.

"Hanna" someone said.  I slowly opened my eyes.  Jessica was standing over me.  "Get up dad is gone and Oma is asleep" Jessica said shaking me.  I sprung up and started to leave.  I stopped and turned to my dresser.  I quickly grabbed some clothes and some spare money.  I turned back to Jessica who was waiting for me at the door. 

"Get in the car" Jessica said pointing to the car.  I didn't protest. 

We got on the highway and I saw the boulder up ahead.  "Stop here" I said before we would get to the boulder.  I didn't want Jessica to know where I was going.  Jessica pulled over and unlocked the doors.  "Goodbye Hanna" Jessica coughed.  I stepped out of the car.  I turned back, "bye Jessica" I said.  I straighted up and closed the door.  Jessica started the engine back up.  I began to walk away, back to my friends.  "I'll miss you little sis" I heard Jessica call.  I turned around.  "I'll miss you to" I called.  She honked a few times before driving completely away.

I got to the boulder.  I went to lift the grass top but it wouldn't budge.  I knocked.  I even put my ear to the top.  Nothing not even a cough.  "Guys it's Hanna" I finally called.  "Hello, hurry before my dad comes looking" I called again.  I put my ear close to the top again.  I heard a footstep.  I started knocking again.  "Guys open up its Hanna" I said knocking.  Finally I heard the commotion coming closer, and closer, and closer to the surface.  The latch clicked and I backed up.  The grass top flipped open.  Jacquelyn's face stared back at me.  "Get in" she hurried me.  I got in and she shut the top and locked it.

"Hanna" Emma called as I got to the bottom.  She stood and ran into my arms.  "Hi Emma" I replied wrapping my arms around her.  I scanned the room.  Calvin and Kevin in their sleeping bags still asleep.  No light at all.  Jacquelyn's sleeping bag all messy and mine in perfect condition.  Jacquelyn came back down.  "How did you...um...uh" she stuttered.  "My sister, Jessica" I said knowing the question.  She nodded and went back over to her sleeping bag.  "We are laying low, and Kevin only blames himself"  Jacquelyn confessed before  curling back up into her sleeping bag.  Emma released me and ran over to her sister.  I put my clothes and money down on the dirt floor.  I went over to my sleeping bag and curled up.  It was still morning and Jessica woke me up so I didn't get much sleep.  "Don't tell the boys I'm here.  Let them figure it out" I smiled before settling down.  Jacquelyn nodded before settling down too.  I inhaled and snuggled up.  I couldn't belive what my sister did for me today.  She never did anything for me.  Though now I will miss her more than ever. 

A/N: OMG Jessica is actually really nice on the inside.  She helped Hanna.  We also got a look inside Hanna's old life again.  So the pictures up top are Jessica on the left and Emma on the right.  So if you are liking this book so far vote, comment, and follow me for updates!!


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