Bigger Picture

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Shout out to sammygirl102318

Darkness filled the sky as Emma fell asleep on my shoulder, looking to the horizon. While she slept I gazed up to the stars, I could easily point out meteor #45 as it is bigger and brighter than the other stars.

Shortly I snapped out if my thoughts and started to squirm around. Once I freed myself from Emma I got up and picked Emma up. She was still fast asleep. How was I going to get her down the ladder and not drop her or fall.

I held Emma like a dog under my one arm, losing grip every second. If I dropped her now she would die on impact. So every so often I stopped and tryed to get a better grip.

We finally for down to the bottom and I walked over to Emma's chair. I set her down just as the others started filing down. "Hey" I heard Jacquelyn call. "Shhhh" I put my finger to my lips to silence her. She is so stubborn though. "Emma" she screamed. My eyes widened at how retarded she was. Jacquelyn rushed over to her sister and turned to me. "What did you do to her" Jacquelyn asked looking right into my eyes. "Nothing" I said slowly. "She is sleeping, she never sleeps not with me at lest, are you sure she is sleeping and not dead" she rushed check Emma's pulse and everything else. "What are you doing" Emma whispered waking up. "Oh thank god, I thought you....." Jacquelyn started but couldn't finish. "I'm okay. God Jacquelyn you don't have to be like this" Emma sneered. I've never seen this side of her. I never saw them as sisters till now. Jacquelyn rolled her eyes at her sister, "okay". Emma did the same and proped herself up with her elbow. Jacquelyn turned to me, "How does she like you but not me" she mumbled. She walked away towards Kevin and went in for a hug. Jacquelyn is such an attention whore, and wants everything to be her way. Why can't she just let her sister be and be an okay person in life, we should do some of the film on her.

"Hanna" Calvin said shaking me, I was just starting to go to sleep. I rolled over to see Calvin eyes wide, looking at me. "What " I said raspy. "Come with me" he whispered. He got to this feet and pretty much sprinted to the ladder. I followed him with much slower of a pace. "Why are we doing this now?" I groaned. Calvin turned back to me and gave me a smerk before heading up the ladder.

I got to the surface and Calvin helped me up. "Look" he said pointing up to the sky. I followed his finger that pointed at the big dipper. There was no cloud in the sky, just the stars and the moon looking back at you. He moved his finger over to orions belt. I gasped on amazement, this was one thing I really wanted to see before I died and here I am. "Wait one second" Calvin said rushing down the ladder. I waited in the cool night air gazing at the stars.

Calvin came back up with something weird all folded up. He shook it in his hand a little then started to unfold it. All the pieces finally came together. "A telescope?" I questioned the mini one right before my eyes. "Yep took it with me before I left" Calvin grinned. I blushed and sat down on the cool grass. Calvin nelt down beside me. He put his eye were I guess the eye is supposed to go. He moved it around a little till he stopped and moved out of the way for me. "Look" he said pointing to the telescope. I leaned in and put my eye to the lense. Glittering stars filled my eyes, up close was ten times more beautiful. Deep purples to dark blues. Shinning stars to shooting stars. Though the surroundings were magnificent I focused on the bigger thing the Calvin set it on. "That's mars" Calvin said. You could kind of see it, will you could see it was a big circle and it had a tint of red. "This is so cool" I said backing away. Calvin nodded in agreement. "All those people on Mars will live" Calvin complained. They sent 34 people up to Mars in 2019, they were supposed to come back but with the meteor so close they couldn't even get a rocket out of the atmosphere. "They will probably starve" I said looking towards Calvin. He looked down, "my father is up there". "Oh I didn''" I stagered. Calvin looked at me. "It's okay, at lest you didn't sugar coat it" he said sadly. It must be hard for him, to die, to know his father won't die with him, maybe his father will live. I couldn't imagine it. "My mom died, my father left for war so I was left with my Oma and sister" I said with a sweet smile. Calvin studied my face. He nodded. He looked down then back up at me. He came closer to me. He was leaning in for a kiss. I backed up. "Oh I'm sorry" Calvin blushed. "It's okay" I lied. First he wasn't my type and we are pretty much living together with three other people. He couldn't just do this. "Hey" a voice called from behind us. I turned to see Kevin crawling out from the ladder. I smiled and got up to help Kevin. I turned back to Calvin, his smile fell and he started packing up the telescope. "Did I inturupt" Kevin smiled. "No" I said.

Calvin was all packed up and ready to go. "Calvin why don't you stay up here with us" Kevin grinned. "I'm okay" Calvin muddered before heading down. "What is that all about" Kevin rolled his eyes. I smiled, "nothing". Just then light hit us. "You two" a voice boomed. I spun around horrified and what I saw.

A/N: Hey guys. I left this chapter on a cliff hanger so you must tune in for chapter 5 to see who was standing behind Kevin and Hanna. The picture above is Calvin with hos chocolate brown hair. So if you are liking this book vote, comment and follow me for updates.


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