Sneaking In

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I looked behind me to see fake Santa still chasing us. I looked over to Kevin, a little bit a head of me. I began to laugh, like really laugh. Kevin looked back at me. He gave me a smerk and started to laugh too.

Once we were far anough away from fake Santa we came to a stop. "That, was fun" I panted. Kevin put his hands on his knees and nodded in agreement. I smiled and squatted down, camera still in my hands. "This way" Kevin pointed to the highway and the boulder. I looked up to the sky to try and see what time it was. "Noon" I whispered to myself. "What?" Kevin asked, he must have heard me. I shook my head rubbing it off. But I couldn't, I was worried for Oma. What if Jessica didn't give her the medication.

Kevin and I got to the boulder and climbed down the ladder. Once we got down the argument began. "SHE HAS THE CAMERA" Calvin yelled pointing to the camera in my hands.
"Yes, but she did a good film job" Kevin said rubbing the dirt off this pants. "No, Kevin that doesn't matter if she did a good job or not. What if she dropped it, our film would be lost" Calvin screamed, silencing everyone. "I'm sorry" I apologized, handing the camera back over to Calvin. He sachet it from my hands and walk over to his sleeping bag.

I was over on my sleeping bag when the smell of bacon and eggs came back. I got up and walked over to the slow cooker and the open flamed fire with a pot ontop. "Bacon and eggs again?" I asked Jacquelyn. "That's the only thing we have, we couldn't stock up on food" she said flipping the bacon. "Not even fruit or juice?" I asked shuddering at the thought of just bacon and eggs for the next 2 months. I would get fat and ugly, I was not going to die like that. "I know a place we can get stuff" I said. Jacquelyn turned to face me, eyes wide. "I'm listening" she said. "Okay so....."

Jacquelyn and I made a plan, to sneak into my house while Oma and Jessica where out for there morning run. We would sneak in and steel some food and put it in some bags we are taking with us. Then sneak out before being found. It sounds good compared to eating bacon and eggs for the rest of my life.

"We are going out, we need some air" Jacquelyn lied to the boys on there phones. Kevin and Calvin only nodded, they didn't even care. Which is okay because we were lieing.

"Are you lost " Jacquelyn sneered. "No, just shut up and walk" I shoot back. She rolled her eyes and kept up a good pace behind me.

We got to my old house and made our way to the back yard. I put my finger to my lips and looked into the window. No one home. I crept up the deck stairs and tryed to open the back door. It was locked. Though my mom hid a key where only I knew where to look. I looked over towards the row of trees near the fence. I rushed over there. "What are you doing?" Jacquelyn asked as I climbed up the tree. I reached the branch that had the birds nest on it. I fumbled with some of the tiny twigs till I felt something metal. I grabbed ahold of it and made my way back down the tree. "How did you know to look there?" Jacquelyn asked. I gave her a smerk while I unlocked the backdoor.

"You are sure no one's home" Jacquelyn asked unsure. "Keep talking and find out for me" I rolled my eyes. She did the same.

We got to the kitchen. I pulled out one of the bags I brought and started pulling out the little things so Jessica and Oma wouldn't notice. I looked over at Jacquelyn, pulling all the food into one bag. "No" I whispered taking food out of the bag. "Only what we need, and only a little, we can come back another day" I whispered putting 3 cans of soup back. I walked over to the fridge and scanned the shelfs. I grabbed anything little anough and a few big things too. I shut the fridge and started to leave the kitchen. "Hanna wait we need water" Jacquelyn pointed to the 23 boxs of water. "Only one" I whispered pointing to the top one. Jacquelyn nodded and tryed to pull it out. Something must have snagged because in no time the mini tower of water bottles was falling over. It all came down in less than a second. "Jacquelyn" I yelled. She got up and put her hand out to me. "I'm okay" she smiled. "Hanna" I heard Jessica yell from upstairs. "Hurry" I whispered helping Jacquelyn with a box. "Hanna" Jessica said, you could hear the footsteps heading for the stairs. "Go go go" I said heading out the backdoor. We didn't bother to close it, we just ran with a giant box of water in our hands and 2 bags full of food on our arms.

Jacquelyn and I got back to the boulder. I lifted the piece of grass up and we threw the box of water down, hoping it wouldn't kill anyone. We followed with the bags still on our arms.

We got to the bottom and Jacquelyn rushed over to Emma, who looked startled, must have been the water falling down. I put my bag down and started to take off my jacket. "Where did you guys get this food?" Kevin asked coming over to me. "We have our ways" I smiled and picked up the box of water. Kevin rushed up beside me. "Our your ways going to get us killed" Kevin questioned. He didn't get it, you never question a girl about stuff like this. I turned to him, my burnette tangle of hair slashed him in the face. "No they won't, our, wait no my ways will help us live" I looked deep into Kevin's eyes. He had nothing but worry in them. I plopped the box down and put my hand on Kevin's shoulder, "It's okay I promise" I gave him a light smile. I peaked over his shoulder to see Jacquelyn giving me a dirty glare. I let go of Kevin and went over to Jacquelyn and Emma. "What is it?" I asked kneeling down beside Jacquelyn and Emma. "She wants to talk to you" Jacquelyn said frowning. Emma nodded to her sister and Jacquelyn left. "I want to see outside" she whispered in a hush tone. I gave her a confused look, then turned to the others. Jacquelyn would never let Emma go outside. Unless Jacquelyn wasn't there to see me take Emma out. "Hey souls you guys go film, I can stay here with Emma" I grinned hoping they couldn't see through me. Calvin, Kevin, and Jacquelyn looked at each other at the request. "Why not" Calvin said rushing over to the ladder, camera in his hands.

After the others left Emma and I waited for about 10 minutes. Finally Emma and I started to head up, outside.

"Fresh air" Emma sighed once we got to the top. I helped her out and put the grass cover down. We walked over to the other side of the boulder. The sun was just setting filling the sky with dark purples and bright pinks. Emma inhaled. "So how old are you?" I asked a little curious. "9" she said bluntly. "What do you want to do before we all die" I asked trying to make conversation. "I want to see my parents" she said staring at the half sun. "You know you can't do that, they are you know dead" I said hoping my words wouldn't upset her. Emma turned her head to face me. "You don't know what I can see or hear" she gave a weak smile. "What do you see and hear" I said curious.
"Things that you can't" she said before turning back to the sun. "Why do you just sit in that chair all day" I asked. "Because, I can't do anything about well anything, Calvin doesn't trust me, Kevin is too sweet, he sugar coats it. Then my sister was too hard on me before I gave up" Emma said, tear rolling down her face. I leaned in and gave her a side hug. Emma shortly after put her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes.

A/N: So I hope you guys liked this chapter. The picture above is Jacquelyn.
Did you guys like this chapter? We got a look into Emma's life. How do you feel about Hanna breaking into her own home and Jacquelyn messing things up? Does Jessica and Oma know Hanna is alive? Leave your comments. Dont forget to vote, comment and follow me.


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