hey guys.

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Guys im bacckk again. And guess what? My thanksgiving was shit.

Here let me play out the scene for you

°wakes up , notices i missed the thanksgiving parade due to my insomnia, sighs because i fucking missed p!atd °


°eating dinner peacefully and my grandfather decides to bring up that gay is bad, me being gay af gave him a death glare and turned my head°

Yha, so my grandfathers bigot af. Oh yha btw I'm really not looking forward to going back to school like?? Idk I just feel uncomfortable because I've missed so many days of this encore and fucking im gonna be so lost as i walk into that room.

But idk what to talk about much due to the fact that my life is shit and everythings boring. So yha baii. Oh and I changed ny name so I guess i can use it because nobody will have no fucking clue who i am

~Kødi scadoodles the fuck outta here~ (nonbinary)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2015 ⏰

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