Of course you don't...

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Storm's POV

"Storm, you have to get up at some point today." Michael states from the other side of the curtain.

For the past quarter of an hour he has been trying to get me to get up, although I admire his efforts I just can't really bring myself to move from my enclosed little bubble and face the day right now.

"Leave her alone Michael, we don't make you get up when you don't want to so let her please herself for a bit." Calum calls from the kitchen area where everyone else is gathered eating their breakfast.

"You win this time Storm." He grumbles off before he can be heard stomping off towards the front of the bus.

I breathe a sigh of relief before placing my headphones in and closing my eyes, more committed now to block out the world than I was before. I am, thankfully, left alone for a while but even that comes to an end.

The curtain slowly opens, revealing Calum. I huff as I pull out my headphones after pausing my music.

"Look I'll make a deal with you. If you get up, I'll take you out for coffee or something so you don't have stay with us boys for the whole day. Before you say it, I know your still technically spending time with me but I kind of miss old times and we don't have talk if you don't want to, I'm just there for a break and company." He explains the deal, leaving it up to me to make the decision.

"Fine. Now go so I can get dressed." I grumble, kicking my blanket off and dragging myself out of the bunk. He nods before scurrying off as I grab clothes and take them with me to the small - understatement of the year- bathroom on the bus.

Once I'm ready I shuffle through the bus, flipping off Michael when he lets out a sarcastic whoop and pretend to celebrate that I'm up. Luke rolls his eyes at my brother before hitting him on the head when it goes on for too long. Ashton gives me a small smile as I traipse my way over t him, pulling me into his lap so I'm technically straddling him as we cuddle while Calum darts off to get ready himself.

"You alright baby?" Ash asks softly, resting his forehead on my shoulder.

I rest my head against his neck, closing my eyes. "I don't know Ashy." I answer honestly, hearing him sigh as his grip gets tighter.

"Just hold on, but I'm here when you get back from your outing my Cal." He whispers before Calum can be heard stumbling his way through the bus.

"Ok, Ash let the girl up so we can leave." He says out of breath.

"Put your shoes on properly first then she can go" Ashton replies not even looking up.

"I will never understand how he does that" Calum grumbles as Luke and Michael laugh at the little squabble going on.

Once Calum, finally, has his shoes on properly we set off, deciding to walk instead of driving since it's not far from where were parked up.

We enter a little cafe; I find a table at the back of the shop while Calum goes up to the counter to order. Once he brings our drinks back we just sit in relative silence, him taking in the view and trying to get a picture of his coffee, for Instagram I presume. I decide to work on my song for a bit since he said we don't have to talk if I don't want to.

While I write, I can hear him talking to someone and from the way he is sitting and how he is holding his phone it is either a Skype call or Facetime.

*Storm's Notebook*

Wasted days, dreaming of the times I know I'll never I can't get back
It seems I just lost track
Watching Looking on as all of life's colours fade away seem to fade to grey
I just walked away

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