Family Time.

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Michael's POV

My heart broke at the sight of my little sister covered in bruises on that hospital bed and one look at Ashton and I knew he wasn't feeling much better about this situation.

"I should have been there" He whispers to himself.

"We can't be around her 24/7; she needed time to breath instead of being around us. I know how you feel but she wouldn't want you blaming yourself for every little accident or mishap on this tour that involves her." I mumble putting my arm around his shoulder as I bring us both closer to her bed.

He takes a seat on the bed, holding her small hand in his as he plays with her fingers. I seat myself in the chair next to the bed, content to let him have his moment with her, knowing that she is safe and being able to physically see her has settled my mind a bit.

Ashton's POV

What Michael said plays in my mind over and over but I know he is right. Storm needed that time away from us, time to be herself with other people instead of being cooped away and only ever with us. But she got hurt and I wasn't there - I should have been there.

"I know I'm not the one that should be apologising but I can't help it. I'm so sorry this happened to you after everything you have already been through." I whisper as I play with her fingers.

Michael shifts, looking to be having an inner debate with himself whether he should leave or not. I motion him to stay though, as silly as it sounds but he is the only thing keeping me from breaking down right now.

"I didn't realise how much one person could mean to me until I found out you got hurt today. I wish it was me lying on this bed instead of you – I really do – but I know you would hate that as much as I hate this." I sniff. "Please wake up soon...I need you."

Michael gives me a sad look, he must realise how much this hurts.

Michael's POV

I can't help the sad look I give Ashton. The realisation about how much they mean to each other only really hitting me now – and to think that a month or so ago I was doing everything I could to keep them apart. I feel my phone vibrate and a quick check reveals that my parents are just boarding a plane now.

As I look up there is a knock on the door. It opens to reveal the doctor from earlier.

"Hello boys." He greets us. He goes about checking the machines before he looks at her charts. "So, luckily I come bearing good news. I have received the rest of her results and everything looks good. We took a few x-rays just before I let you two in here and no other injuries have been found, which means anything that hurts other than the obvious is bruising that will heal on its own." He gives us a bright smile.

"That's great then." Ashton smiles slightly as he looks towards her and begins to play with her hand again.

"My family are boarding a plane as we speak but it is still a long flight. I have contacted her school she receives her work from back home, and informed them so she can have time to recover before they send more." I inform both of them.

Ashton nods before looking back towards the doctor. "Anyway you can tell us when she will wake up?" He asks quietly.

The doctor grimaces. "Well...I can't say when she will wake up. That is up to her and we just have to wait." He looks to me before meeting Ashton's slowing dimming smile. "Maybe if you gave her motivation then she might come back to you sooner."

As soon as the words are out of his mouth a determined look comes over Ashton's face before he nods. "If I get to see her again quicker then I am doing anything."

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