Kaid's "Payback"

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Storm's POV

On our way to the place for the interview is when I remember what I needed to tell Mikey.

"Michelangelo, we need to get my log in details later, school goes back today." I remind him.

"Thanks for reminding me, I'll call after the interview." He replies, setting a reminder on his phone.

"So now we won't see you because of your school?" Louis pouts.

"I'll still be around but I will probably be working on school stuff, yes." I answer.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket; I take it out seeing a text from Cal.

Cal-star - Are we still going ahead with what we're doing...even with your school work?

Mini_Clifford - Yeah, I will work something out. Probably something like setting you a task while I do my work and I'll catch up to you when I can and go from there... I'm not exactly sure. But I'll work something out.

Cal-star - Just making sure...

I give him reassuring smile as we pull up outside the studio place, apparently it's a radio interview hence why they're in their own clothes, and not in planned outfits like any TV interview...I think so at least. But it is definitely a radio interview, that I am sure off.

We all enter the building and the guys split off into their bands and take it in turns to be interviewed. One direction are up first and from what I can tell it's all the normal questions. Then it's time for my boys to take their turn.

"Now I would like to welcome to the studio, their first time here actually, the amazing 5 Seconds of Summer!" the overly excited interviewer announces. She seems alright; just a little too cheery compared to us lot this early in the morning.

The guys all do a greeting of some kind before the questions begin, the usual ones at first then the fan questions start, but first she had a question of her own.

"Now I understand that you guys are very protective of your private lives..." she trails off

"I wouldn't say we're protective as such but I would agree that we do like to keep them private." Luke confirms.

"Well, I'm going to sound very nosy right now then, but Ashton I just wanted to know how you got the hickey? Is there a girlfriend on the scene or is just a one time hook up?" She questions.

I was fine until the end part of that question, now I really don't want to be here. I can't say I haven't noticed the looks she has been giving me since we arrived either.

"I don't mean to sound rude but I don't believe that it is any of your business," Ashton glares at her.

She nods but it doesn't look like she really is planning on leaving the subject anytime soon. "Michael, your sister is on tour with you, am I right?"

Michael gives her a suspicious look but confirms it anyway. Behind me I can hear the one direction boys making comments about her but I can feel Kaid and Paul step up to stand each side of me.

"Well my question for you before we start the fan questions is, has there been any romances going on involving your sister and one of the boys?" the interviewer asks, really testing her boundaries now.

"What any of us do, whether it be one of us or her, in our private lives away from the public has nothing to do with anyone else." Michael grumbles.

Luke looks to Paul, who immediately motions to the interviewer to wrap it up.

"So unfortunately, I only have time for one fan question today. Their question is- Is there ever a time when you wish the fans didn't know so much about you?"

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