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March 6th 2014

Harry, Danny, and Sam had sat around the large wooden table with their food laying in front of them without being touched. Talking about the new deal that the lead officer had been speaking about since this morning.

 Talking about how they were ready to start a learning class for those who were underage and maybe creating another lower room for those who are mentally insane. Knowing that these new rules are going to not only fuck with people's minds but also cause deadly murders behind bars.

''I'm still shocked that they would even talk about something like that, haven't they seen how we are? Do they seriously want to cause a riot of some sort? I swear, these fucking guards don't think sometimes and that pisses me the fuck off.''

 Sam speaking out loud, being the only one who actually does since he see's things differently then most people. He use to be this high class drug dealer that had nothing but the ladies and money, after being caught up and thrown behind these brick walls. 

He's been nothing but respectful...Not to others but to his new leader who happens to be the one and only Harry Styles, the man that people fear for what he had done to his sister's rapist A.K.A uncle.

''They don't think, they want us all to suffer for the things we had done to be put in such a devious place.'' 

Danny not knowing what he was talking about, Harry was the only one out of their small group that liked to keep his mouth shut.

 ''I don't see how things will get better from here on now, having to see people that you barely know...only for them to dog you down and for what? Because they don't like the way you look? Because they're jealous of what you have? I don't get it, remember that one guy that tried to step up to you this morning? Why was that Danny?''

Danny shrugged, stuffing a whole roll of bread inside his mouth as he tried to avoid the topic. He knew why that huge body building looking lad stepped up to him, maybe he doesn't want to admit it but he sure as hell knew. Harry always figured something out, knowing everybody's weaknesses, seeing the sweat form from Danny's hairline.

''Tell us Danny, why the fuck was Toby acting like some hard arse against you? Was it something you said, did or was it just because you owe him something that you're not paying up for? Tell us, i won't judge you for what you do but you need to let us know what the fuck is going on or there is no way in hell that we are going to help you.''

Danny swallowed the food inside his mouth, looking over his shoulder as he caught sight of Toby and a few other men that were hanging around the other tables.

 Jamming plastic forks through the cold meat that they were given to eat, he was fooling himself when he imagines the damage he could do to those men. Harry placed his hand over Danny's, giving him a reassuring squeeze as he wanted him to carry on. Losing the battle of keeping to himself, he sighed in defeat.

''Toby doesn't have a problem with me, he's been trying to get me to fess up to a few things about you. He's got this whole prison crush on you and he wants to know everything that you're about. Sure he knows about what you did to your uncle and all that other stupid shit but he wants to know you more as in...touching and getting to see you naked which is terribly gross because that's some gay crap right there. Not that i have anything against gays but i don't want to know that and what you guys do on your own spare time...Not that i'm calling you gay or anything but you understand where i'm coming from.''

Harry being stunned, Sam had gripped the milk carton in his hand harder then he expected. Squeezing the carton as the milk started to spill from the sipping top. Harry looked across the lunch room, staring straight into Toby's wandering eyes. Watching the man smirk as he slowly raised his left hand for a decent yet intimidating wave.

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