Chapter 7: Our fight begins tonight.

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             The three teens stood before the burnt down school, each of them breathing hard from running. Kaitlynn stood in front of Erick and Jason, she glanced at them a look of worry spreading across her face. Jason set his hand on her right shoulder while Erick placed his hand on her left shoulder, each teen calming each other down.
            "You... You damn brat! Why did you show your face here?!" Derek bellowed sitting on some of the burnt school. They glared at each other, Derek showing no fear while the others showing concern on each of their faces.
           "We're not here to fight Derek... We want you to stop killing people. You killing people to get revenge on Emma's death isn't going to work!" Kaitlynn said, her voice shaking as she stared at him a tear rolling down her face. Derek froze, his eyes widening at the name and he looked away gritting his teeth.
          "My brother isn't doing all this crap for a damn girl! He's doing it for me and only me!!" Lucy screamed pulling her sword out swinging it at Kaitlynn who barely dodged it. (Fight, fight!! Yay! At the Climax the fight we've all even waiting for!!)
           Kaitlynn pulled out her sword dashing to Lucy quickly, she swung her sword down clashing her sword into Lucy's forcing her back an inch. Lucy glared at Kaitlynn, she screams causing the other girl to cover her ears dropping her sword as well. Erick and Jason quickly covered their ears, trying to avoid Derek at the same time yelling at him.
Derek got his sword swinging it like crazy, Jason got his two swords blocking his attacks Erick getting his daggers going to help Kaitlynn but stabs him in the back.
"Stop this madness!!! Haven't you had enough damned violence?!" Kaitlynn screamed curling her hands into fists everyone stopping, the two teens nodded at her waiting for her to speak,
"Perché non riesci a idioti capire cosa diavolo sta succedendo ?! Smettila causando così tanto disastro qui! Non abbiamo bisogno di più di questo schifo, torniamo all'inferno dove sia venuto!" She squeezed her eyes shut screaming even louder, she started to swing her sword down at Lucy grazing her skin in the process. (Oh yeah... For those who can't speak Italian here's what she said: "Why can not you idiots understand what the hell is going on?! Stop causing so much disaster here! We do not need more of this crap, let's get back to hell where it came from!")
Lucy widened her eyes falling back at the other girls force, she scrambled to get to her feet hearing her brother scream she looks over at him seeing that a locket is being held near his face.
"Do you think Emma would've wanted this?! Killing her friends family? Making her life a living hell?!" Erick questioned shoving the locket near his face. Derek gritted his teeth knocking the locket out of the teens hand screaming at him,
              "She's gone!!! There's nothing we can do about her, Kaitlynn let her die!!!" Kaitlynn looked over at him, guilt showing on her face. Lucy saw this and stopped Jason saw this and started to mumble an exorcism under his breath, but instead of it working the three teen "heroes" suddenly pass out.
                 "Let's leave... This isn't over yet, nor will it ever be Derek," Lucy started,
             "Can't you understand?! I'm only doing this for Emma!" Derek bellowed slapping his sisters face leaving a red mark.
              "You... You think Emma would want this? You don't really understand... What killed Emma was a car wreck, not a monster," Kaitlynn said weakly trying to stand.
              "She was killed in the same car wreck I was in, but what about what started it? Her jealous friend, he wanted her all to himself... So he started the car wreck." She said helplessly staring at the two siblings.
             "The only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work, and the only way to do great work is to do what you love to do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when to find it. And like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking, don't settle." Jason said holding his head leaning on his stepbrother helping Kaitlynn up staring at the other two, who are now shaking from fear and weakness.
             "We all have a fear, a weakness. And yours is that you hate the truth of all your lies. You couldn't handle any type of truth of yourself, the truth behind why you killed my family was out of jealousy... That you didn't kill us I that car wreck you had caused a month ago. So you tell me... Are you satisfied yet? Can you settle with your horrid truths behind what you did to others?" Kaitlynn said, a strong feeling of victory rising up in her heart as the siblings start to cover their ears. The three teens nodded at each other and stepped towards the siblings holding out the locket,
          "Shut up... Shut up!! SHUT UP!!! JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!!!" Lucy screeched forming a portal evacuating the area, Derek following soon. What they didn't know was that Jason had slipped the locket into his pocket as he ran in closing the portal.
          "Good work guys... But... I don't have a family anymore, so I guess I'll see you guys at school next year huh?" Kaitlynn said sadly walking off into the woods, Jason and Erick stood there. They sighed and turned away going to their own home saying nothing. (Whoop-de-doo-dah! Interesting right? No?... Fine then...)
            As Kaitlynn was walking home, she felt as if she was being watched. She shivered from the cold but continued on walking a bit faster now, hoping that whoever was watching her could just go away for good.
            "Kaitlynn... How cold of you to just leave me there like that... How dare you leave your family bleeding to death!!" The voice said their voice echoing the ought the woods, she froze for a second then started to run in a full out sprint squeezing her eyes shut running 'till she got to her own little home in the woods.

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