Chapter 1: An accident or no?

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Kaitlynn, a 16 year old girl, looks at the grass chewing on her pen ignoring the students around her, trying to concentrate on her drawing that she has been working on for weeks. One guy lays down beside her chewing on a candy bar he stole from a group of girls.
            "Please tell me you didn't steal from them again right?" She said glancing at Derek. He opened one eye grinning at her handing a piece,
             "Let's just say I borrowed it from them 'till they buy some more for both of us." He said. Derek was a 17 year old, and probably the most troublesome friend Kaitlynn has right now. She sighed poking his cheek with her pen leaving a black dot, he frowned rubbing the dot off.
            A few hours later the two friends were now arguing over who has the better grades, Derek tried to keep a straight face at Kaitlynn's ticked off face, "Stop trying to laugh! You are failing two classes and I'm failing none!" She yelled punching his arm hard glaring at him, he laughed holding his arm tightly falling down pretending to be injured.
            "Oh please you fool, I didn't hit you that hard, it was simply a soft punch." She said helping him up and leaning on a tree. They both smiled at each other but soon heard laughter of two guys that they know well, the laughs or practically their worst enemies since elementary school for no reason.
             "Hello Derek and Kaitlynn, how's our favorite two friends?" Erick, a 16 year old and Jason, a 17 year old walked over to the other group of friends who are now glaring at them standing up straight trying to keep calm in front of the other group.
             "Nobody asked you to bother us right?" Derek said sternly, "Oh no no, we are just... Passing by and heading toward the uh..." Jason stopped rubbing his hands against his pants calmly. All three of the students just stared at him dumbfounded as he quickly ran off Erick soon following him confused and worried.
             Kaitlynn and Derek looked at each other confused and they shrugged it off not wanting to know why the bravest guy in school just ran off in front of the weakest people in school. Kaitlynn sighed starting to walk home Derek walking the other way mumbling, "What she doesn't know is that something is going to happen to her, and that will scar her forever..." He grinned watching her from a distance.
             Now, you're probably wondering what is going to happen so here's the deal, keep reading to find out why I'm telling you this. Just because of the thinking line for this, I honestly hope you really like this so far.
             Kaitlynn soon arrived home after some time, living out in the forest wasn't the best thing. Her parents waited for her outside her mother and father all dressed up to go out, they smiled handing her a black dress saying, "Hurry up to get dressed honey, we have a party to get to in an hour." She took the dress in disgust knowing it was a formal party.
              After a few minuets she waited in the living room for her parents to usher her towards the car only 30 minuets left 'till the party will start.
              "Let's go honey, we're going to be late if we stay any longer than we want to, you will have to wait until the next party." Her mother said drastically waving her hands around pushing her to the car, her father following the mother.
                As they drove down the road, Kaitlynn stared out the window completely bored ignoring her parents with ease. (Well... To be honest they aren't really her parents, her biological parents were killed in a house fire. Pretty much burned to death in it as well.) As the driving went on, Kaitlynn soon fell asleep in the backseat, when she was asleep her parents pulled over to the side of the road passing out before they could even stop the car.
             As the car raced on the grassy fields, bumping every now and then making Kaitlynn wake up but getting knocked out by a gas called carbon monoxide poisoning. (Me again, hi. Probably wondering what Carbon monoxide poisoning is, so here you go:          Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs after enough inhalation of carbon monoxide (CO). Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas, but, being colorless, odorless, tasteless, and initially non-irritating, it is very difficult for people to detect.)
               The car soon stopped after her parents woke. Now they were at the edge of a cliff, her parents quickly got out of the car to get Kaitlynn out as well only to hear the car creak and start to slip off the cliff a few rocks hitting the water.
              Her parents screamed for help, screaming 'till they heard some police cars echoing in the distance. Kaitlynn slowly woke up, unaware of her situation, tried to get out only to make the car slip more. Her seatbelt held her in place, but her necklace was caught on something causing it to choke her. She cried unbuckling herself and undoing the necklace gasping for air, the police tried everything they could... But only to fail at the attempt.
              Kaitlynn screamed at the top of her lungs as the car fell off the cliff hitting the edge every so often, making the glass shatter into tiny pieces puncturing her skin. When the car finally hit the water she had passed out again, and finally got to some safety where the police could try and get her.
               When the finally got her out of the car, of course she was knocked out from rolling down the cliff, and from almost drowning. Kaitlynn laid in the grass her parents near her unable to remember anything or where they were going to at this hour of day. When the ambulance arrived at the site to check on the family, Derek was already there stroking Kaitlynn's head grinning to himself.
                "I don't remember what happened... Weren't we going to a party?" Her mother said rubbing a bruise on her arm staring at her daughter half confused and half awake. When the ambulance finally got to Kaitlynn, Derek was gone and so was the necklace she had been wearing.
                 When they finally finished with Kaitlynn, the family was able to get a ride back home with the oldest son Brandon. He said nothing to them unable to keep his eyes off his little sister, who laid in the back asleep from the medicine he gave her. After a few hours had passed, Kaitlynn laid there in the bed staring at a wall talking to herself.
                 "What the [insert swear word] happened?! Why did this even happen!!" She screamed in her pillow punching it as well. She started to sob, unable to remember anything that had happened, she left her room... To go into the living room where the family was.

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