Chapter 8: The summertime madness

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          "Get away from me!!! I'm sorry!!!" Kaitlynn screamed covering her head from the gunshots, Jason and Erick at her side screaming,
           "What the hell is going on?! Who's shooting at us and why?!!" One of them screamed flipping a metal table so that they wouldn't get hit by a bullet. Kaitlynn started to cry, the voice echoing through the room closer this time,
            "Come out come out wherever you are little girl~ You can't hide forever, so just come out and meet your fate!!!" It said firing more gun shoots at the table, the teens covered their ears crawling to another room locking the door and blocking it with another metal table. The voice got closer, hearing this the three teens started to panic and looked for another way out of the room.
             "Can someone please explain what the blood hell is happening?!" Erick yelled at Kaitlynn wanting answers.
             "He or she is after me because I left my parents bleeding to death! But they were already dead when I checked on them, and my brother got killed instantly when his throat was cut and wrists on the main vein! He was following me everywhere I went when summer started and ever since then, I've been in hiding until you morons showed up here!!" She screamed trying to break the window her hands shaking from fear, and from anger.
            "Well let's kill this bastard! Wait! He's at the door [insert many swear words, such violence]!" Jason said shoving everyone into the closet shushing them he quietly closed the door.
              "Come on Kaitlynn darling... Stop trying to run from your fate!!! You can't run forever, and you never will!!!" The voice bellowed before kicking down the door, sending the table across the room. The three teens looked at each other, their eyes full of fear but instead of fighting they stayed completely still trying to not make any noise as possible. Kaitlynn covered her ears, Jason watched her calmly watching her movements, and Erick started to chew on his hand wanting to fight. She glanced at him smiling faintly she grabbed his hand cleaning it up yawning.
"I found you girly~!!" The voice said, ripping the closet door open. The three teens looked up at the owner of the voice, it was strange: no face, no legs, no arms, nor was there a body.
"A... Prank maybe?" Kaitlynn asked confused.
"One messed up prank then." Jason mumbled.
"Uh... More importantly... Should we just leave? Figure out who did the prank..... Wait..." Erick rolled his eyes kicking the air hearing a groan of pain.
"False alarm... Just a stupid prankster who's gonna die if he doesn't leave in 5....4....3...2...1, thank you." He finished and helped the other two up looking at Kaitlynn who is staring at the window.
"Let's go home, our mom made pizza." Jason said happily dragging the others with him out, she smiles and walks in the middle of the two teens feeling safe for the first time in over 5 weeks. Jason blushed slightly seeing her smile, he snaked his arm to go around her shoulder. She looked at him not caring and continued messing with Erick who is trying to find the leaf on his head.
             "Mother of god!! Just get it off already Kait!!" He whined glaring at the young girl who is laughing.
            "Pfft... Fine fine! Hold still silly!" She laughed harder picking the leaf off his head leaning on Jason laughing harder.
            "Weirdos..." He mumbled messing up her hair opening the front door, his brother and his crush (Yep, you guessed it!) stumble in from laughing so hard causing their parents to look up.
            "Woah! Calm down there you two, go read something. Me and your mother need to discuss something." Their father said with a friendly smile, the teens nodded and raced each other up the stairs to Ericks room laughing. When they got to his room, Jason tripped over a plastic ball and Kaitlynn looked at him weirdly,
           "Did you just fall?" She asked confused.
            "No. I attacked the floor." He grinned happily.
            "Backwards...?" She frowned crossing her arms trying to be serious.
            "I'm freaking talented!" He said loudly laughing hard pulling her down onto the floor with him. Erick gives him a sly thumbs up winking as well,
            "Yeah... That's like saying I don't have a dirty mind, I just have a sexy imagination." He said grinning at the two who are laughing harder now.
            "GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE!!!" The mother said from the kitchen hearing a door slam the girl teen peaked out of the room confused but says nothing already figuring out what happened and crawls back into the room frowning.
             "An argument... Your father wants to adopt me but they can't really afford to feed three teens." She said calmly picking her bag up from the ground leaving the house looking at the ground. Erick and Jason sat there, completely shocked that she just left because of their parents argument. But they understood what she was thinking: she doesn't want to cause this family trouble.
            She walked down the sidewalk looking ahead of her seeing a little kitten bleeding from its leg. She picked it up, healing it carefully stroking its head. Hearing footsteps she looked up seeing her two friends and waved to them kindly cradling the kitten gently.            "Let's go back to your place Kait, not the one in the forest but your actual home." Erick said calmly helping her up, Jason smiled petting the kitten softly,
           "Alright.. I'm in front of it anyways." She replied softly going the front door opening it slowly the house completely clean and stain free. The last teen to walk in closed the door and looked around setting their bags on the floor.
           "We have news for you girly... We're living with you!" Jason said happily startling the kitten causing her to scratch Kaitlynn's chest who is standing there completely shocked, but smiles not caring pointing down the hall.
          "Okay... Go find a room, just not the one that is next to mine okay?" She asked getting a nod in return.
          "Just... Great... School starts next week and I have to deal with these morons 'till then?" She mumbled talking to herself scratching the back of her neck sitting on the couch yawning softly.

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