Chapter Two

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-Gerard's POV-


I could hear the things going on around me, but I couldn't see them. I could feel Mikey's heart beating as he walked with me in his arms. I could hear the small thump whenever he stepped.

I could feel the blood running down my arms and face. I could feel the bruises forming where he hit me.

And the one that broke my heart? I could feel Mikey's tears slowly falling down his face and onto mine.

"M-Mi-Mikes?" I managed to choke out.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD GEE YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" Mikey said, setting me down on the bench beside him.

"Sorry...." I said, suddenly feeling really bad for him.

"No Gee, it's not your fault so don't say sorry." Mikey replied.

"But it is my fault. If I would've just watched where I was going I wouldn't have bumped into him, he had a right to beat me up."

"No, he didn't. And if it wasn't for the fact that he's three grades older and stronger than me, I would've beat the living shit out of him. Now I want you to answer this question, and answer it honestly. Are you okay?" Mikey asked, a look of concern on his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied.

"Then what the fuck is on your arm Gee?"

"Ummmm, cat scratch." I lied again.

"We don't have a cat, Gee. Why?"

I started to tear up. I didn't want anyone to know about this. I always kept my feelings to myself. I suddenly felt a rush of guilt. I'm supposed to be here for Mikey, I'm three years older than him. I'm setting a bad example.

"Don't ever do this Mikes. Never. Come to me if you need to talk. Never hurt yourself. Nothing is worth hurting yourself over. Don't be like me." I told him as a car pulled up on the side of the road.

"Hey, is everything ok here? I saw you guys leave and thought something was wrong so I grabbed my car and came after you." The cute guy from earlier told us, rolling down his window.

Dammit, what was his name? Frerard? Fred? No, Frank.

"Yeah, I think we're good Frank. But could you maybe lend us a ride? My car is at the school." Mikey said, offering a smile to Frank.

"Yeah no problem, hop in." he said.

Mikey went for shotgun, and I weakly climbed into the back, still hurting in various places.

"So, what happened?" Frank asked, looking back at me in the rearview mirror.

Mikey looked back at me, silently asking me if it was okay to say, I nodded.

-Time skippity do cuz I don't want to explain everything again-

"Wow" Frank said after many minutes of Mikey and I explaining what happened.

"Yeah..." I said, scratching my arms, my fingernails going over the various scabs and scratches. "So, Frank, how do you know my little bro?" I asked, chanting the subject.

"We've been friends for about five years now? You've never heard me tell you about him?" Mikey said, surprised.

Frank just looked uncomfortable.

"Ummm no, I guess I just never talk to anyone anymore."

Just then we pulled into a driveway.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"My house, I guessed that you could just stay over and get your car tomorrow." Frank said, shrugging as he unlocked the door.

"Don't your parents live here?" I said.

"Yeah, but they're on vacation, they won't mind." He replied.

I walked into the house. "Where am I going to sleep?" I asked him.

"You guys can take my bed and the couch. I'll set up something on the floor." Frank said.

"No. Frank your sleeping on your bed or I'm not sleeping at all." Mikey replied.

"Jesus okay," Frank said. "I'll sleep in my bed and one of you can take the couch."

"I'll take the couch." Mikey said.

"Ok." we all agreed.

"Hey, can I take a shower here?" I asked.

"Ummm yeah sure, third door to the right," Frank told me.

I walked into the small room and looked around. There was the normal bathroom things, not much. I noticed a shaving razor on the counter.

"No." I said

Yes my mind told me

"I won't do it." I said

You're worthless anyways, why not? it's just a few more scratches.

I turned the shower on. I stated walking towards where the razor sat.

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