Chapter Seven

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Gerard's POV

I woke up, and I didn't know what day it was. I think I passed out again shortly after I kissed Frank.

"Mr Way, I'm going  have to take your blood okay?"

I started to panic. I was deathly afraid of needles, I hated them. The doctor pulled out a needle, and it was long. I hated this.

I heard a knock at the door, and the doctor opened it. Frank crutched in, he must have broke something.

"Mr Iero, you can't be in here." The doctor said, trying to usher him out.

"Yes I can. Gerard's scared of needles and I would like to comfort him. Can't you tell he's scared?" Frank sat down on the chair beside me and grabbed my hand.

"Okay, but don't disturb me," He said, cleaning off the needle and walking towards me.

My breath hitched. Frank squeezed my hand, reassuring me.

"You've got this Gee." Frank smiled.

I felt the needle push into my skin, and a single tear escaped my eye. A few seconds later, it was gone, and Frank was hugging me.

"Good Job." He said.

"Thanks for being there." I said.

"Okay Gerard, we can let you go now. Good luck!" The doctor said, walking out of the room.

"Hey Frank, I see you've got crutches now. Do you really want to be walking around in those all day?" I asked, a smirk on my face.

"Not really, b-"

"Get on my back." I told him.

He smiled, and walked over to me, his crutch in his hand. He jumped up and I caught him, he was really light, and it worried me. I know he's small for our age but still.

"Onward trusty steed!" Frank screamed, pointing his crutch towards the door.

I ran out of time to worry.

I ran, and Frank ducked so he wouldn't hit the ceiling. When we got into the elevator, people stared at us. Frank smirked and waved at them as if this was an everyday occurrence.

We counted down to when the elevator was going to open, and when it did, I ran.

Mikey laughed really hard from the other side of the room, and ran to catch up with us as we reached Frank's Van.

"Mikey, can you drive?" I asked him.

I didn't wait for him to answer though, I just let Frank down and jumped into the back seat with him.

"I guess I have no choice" Mikey laughed.

The hospital was about 15 minutes away from my house. In the van, Frank fell asleep on my lap, and there was a small pile of drool on my leg where Frank's mouth touched my skin. I smiled.

"We're home." Mikey announced, parking the van.

Frank stirred, and blushed as he wiped his mouth. "Sorry..." He mumbled.

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