Chapter Thirteen

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It was now Christmas. I didn't have anything to give to Gerard, so I planned to take him out to dinner. I was the only one up currently, but Gerard was snoring next to me. Mikey was across the hall.

I got up and started to make some breakfast.


I was lazy, and toast was easy to make, so I did that. Then, I went upstairs and I shook Gee awake.

"Gee, you gotta get up man, It's Christmas!"

Then I started to jump around like a ten year old, and woke Mikey up with all the commotion. He walked into Gee's room, and let out a sigh of relief.

"I thought you two were doing something.. something else."

Gerard's face grew red.

"Let's get downstairs already! I want to open my gifts!" I pouted.

"Jesus, Frank. I'm getting up, just stop acting like a ten year old."

Then, I heard a beeping noise.

"Did you guys hear that?" I asked.

"No, why?" They both said at the same time.

"Oh, it must've been my imagination."

But then it came again.

We all rushed downstairs to look at the few presents on the floor. Gerard walked over to me, and told me that he loved me.

Then, he handed me a jar filled with pieces of paper, and I was pretty fucking confused.

"It's a jar of all the things I love about you. 365 pieces, for next year."

I started to cry. Gerard leaned down to kiss me.

And that's when I started going crazy. The beeping noise I heard earlier was back, but it wouldn't stop. My sight started going fuzzy. Gerard was slowly fading away. It was like I was waking up from a dream.

I sat up and screamed the only thing I could think of.


I was in a white room, which I soon realized was a hospital. Gerard and Mikey were no where to be found. Doctors and nurses came rushing in. I had no idea what was going on.

"What's going on! Somebody answer me!" No one was answering. They were too busy talking to each other frantically, about how this wasn't possible. I was supposed to die.

I was freaking out. Through the window, I saw a blonde boy around 15 banging on the door, screaming to let him in. A name went through my mind. Bob.

Then, the commotion stopped. Everyone was staring at me.

"What's happening! Where is Gerard, Mikey, and Ray! Are they okay?" They all looked at me with sad eyes.

One of the doctors came up to me.

"Frank, I know this is hard to take in right now."

I sucked in a breath.

"Gerard is dead. You tried to kill yourself, which put you in a coma for six months. You've been dreaming of a different world. While you were in the coma, you said things like: "Mikey, Ray, I love you, Gee, and "my parents are dead". We have to inform you that Mikey and Ray are not real, Gerard killed himself, and your parents are alive, waiting in the lobby. Please, try to stay calm. This is all normal. Try to remember your life, please."

Everything hit me at once.

Gerard is dead.

The love of my life, my best friend, dead. Gone. Forever.

We were supposed to go to a Green Day concert. We were supposed to get married, adopt kids, buy a house, everything. Mikey and Ray were going to be a couple. It was Christmas. Gerard and I were about to kiss.

My real life came rushing back to me as well.

At first, just bits.

I watched as my dad walked into the door, drunk out of his mind. He came over to me and slapped me. I didn't know what to do. I called for my mom to help me, but all she did was laugh. My dad kept hitting me, and my nose was bleeding.

And then more parts.

I was sitting on the ground of my friend Bob's room. We were playing Jenga, and he just lost. I laughed, and we played again and again.

And then the memory came.

I was in the lobby of the hospital. Gerard was in one of the rooms, fighting for his life. Then, the doctor came out. Bob and I were sitting there, and he hugged me.

"Gerard, unfortunately, has passed away. I'm really sorry, Mr. Iero. I know how close you two were."

My heart broke.

And, one more memory.

I stood on the ledge of the highest bridge in New Jersey. The wind was blowing my long hair everywhere. My shirt was flowing everywhere. My scars were clearly visible. I was wearing a Green Day T-Shirt and jeans. I looked down into the water below, took what I thought was my last breath, and jumped.


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