Chapter Ten

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Mikey's POV

I woke up, not knowing what happened the previous night. Then, I realized there was a body pressed against me. I jumped, before realizing it was Ray. I smiled remembering what happened last night.

We didn't do much, but it was enough to make my heart flutter. When Frank and Gee left, we came up to my room and played video games while listening to music on my phone, I beat his ass.

After that, we fell asleep in each others arms.

I slowly got up, realizing I wasn't getting back to sleep. I walked downstairs and started pouring some cereal.

My mind drifted off, thinking about anything and everything.

Then I felt the coldness hit my feet.

I was daydreaming so long, I poured way too much milk in my cereal, and it overflowed.

"GODDAMNIT" I yelled.

I get frustrated easily, the littlest things could set me off. What usually happens when I do something wrong is I have a breakdown, I cry and I hit myself.

"I'm so fucking stupid!" I yelled.

There were footsteps coming down the stairs. I didn't want Ray to see me like this, so I attempted to hide behind the counter.

It didn't work.

Ray saw me as soon as he came downstairs. He walked over to me and asked me what was wrong, so I told him. He hugged me, and just sat with me there.

We sat there for about ten minutes, until there was another knock on the door. Ray opened it to find Frank and Gerard running into the house.

"Guys, we have something to tell you" Frank rushed ushering us to sit down.

Frank and Gerard were looking at each other, smiles on their faces.

"You guys are acting like Gerard is pregnant" Ray laughed.

Gerard's face turned about as red as a tomato, and he buried his head in sweater paws.

Frank looked at his boyfriend, and smiled. "C'mon Gee, we gotta tell 'em"

"We're moving in with Frank." Gee said, looking at me.

"What I do-" I started to reply.

"You don't have to, but long story short Frank is living alone and needs some company. And, with mom and dad gone we aren't exactly in the best shape to pay for the house. You can stay here, but you're paying for the house."

I was shocked. I didn't know Gerard would just willingly give up our house.

"I know what you're  thinking, how could I just give up the house? I have too many bad memories in this place, I want to start over and live a better life. No depression, no anorexia, no cutting, no suicide attempts, I want to start clean." Gerard said, a tear falling down his face.

I was proud of him. I honestly was. I was so glad that he wanted to start a better life, I was so happy for him.

I guess I wanted to get out of this house too. Whenever I went into Gerard's room I couldn't stop thinking about all the things he did to himself. A new house would mean a new start.

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