The Crash

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A severe storm battered the large cargo plane as rain and lightening filled the night sky. Multiple, large booms of thunder shook the plane.

"MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY; this is FedEx Flight 796, I repeat this is FedEx Flight 796, again FedEx Flight 796. Position... Latitude: South 17.6, Longitude: East 173.5. We're quickly losing altitude; we're going down. Does anyone read me?"

The flight engineer unbuckled from his seat and headed into the main cabin to check on their 'passengers', leaving the pilot and co-pilot to handle the plane.

"Oh, God! Lauren, we're going to die!", screamed a very frightened Camila, as the plane rattled and shook and sparks started shooting from the ceiling.

"Calm down, Camz. There's no need to panic", soothed Lauren.

"You idiot, we're about to crash into the middle of the Pacific ocean. THIS IS THE PERFECT TIME TO PANIC!"

"Yeah, you're right. I just meant we shouldn't waste our time panicking when it doesn't help anything."

At this point the flight engineer stumbled up to check on them. He handed them each a "Mae West" life vest and told them, "Put these on, kids, and make sure you are securely buckled. Whatever you do, stay buckled and don't get up. I'm going to check on the cargo."

"We're going to die, aren't we?", Camila asked him, her voice shaking.

"Well, kids, I don't mean to sound dire, but now might be a good time to start praying." He continued on toward the cargo hold in the rear of the craft.

"I guess this is it", Camila said as she resolutely took a deep breath.

"Yeah, I guess so. Listen, Camila. I need to tell you something", Lauren said hesitantly. "I-I just wanted you to know I've always thought you were cute... I mean I've always liked you. What I'm trying to say is..."

"What! You wait until now to tell me this. You couldn't have told me four or five months ago? You know, when you didn't already have a boyfriend and we weren't both ABOUT TO DIE! You really are an idiot! My God, I've had a crush on you since eighth grade and you wait until it's too late to do..."

Suddenly, Lauren reached over and grabbed the back of Camila's head with her right hand and pulled her toward her as she leaned over to capture her lips in a passionate kiss. Camila started to fight her at first, by instinct, but quickly relaxed into her gentle embrace and returned her affection with equal fervor.

Without warning, the plane pitched forward sharply as it started to lose altitude. The engines were screaming as if in pain. They both pulled back from the kiss, but held onto each other tightly.

"Don't let me go, Lauren", Camila had to shout over the roar of the plane, "I love you."
"I love you, too. And I'll never let you go", Lauren shouted back to her, as they hang onto each other for dear life.


Two weeks earlier...

"Attention, students! As you well know, we have just finished an extremely hard week of finals", announced Mr. Cowell to his English class.

The room erupted in whistles and claps and many people started yelling in happiness.

"Please, please quiet down now. And allow me to continue."

The room settled down.

"Thank you. Therefore, to celebrate, our English class is going to take an unprecedented two-week 'field trip' over Spring Break", he said, while drawing quotation marks in the air when he said 'field trip'.

"We're going to ...", he paused for dramatic effect, "Sydney, Australia!"

There was dead silence in the room.

"But ... but, Mr. Cowell?", Ally, sitting in the front row, raised her hand and spoke timidly. "Our parents can't afford to send us to Australia."

"And your parents won't be paying for anything. Through the generous donations of one of our students families, this will be an all-expenses paid trip", Mr. Cowell continued. "Cabello Industries has graciously agreed to pay for the entire excursion if our class agrees to wear their logo on some very tastefully designed clothing. Camila, would you like to explain?"

"Of course, Mr. Cowell", Camila said as she made her way to the front of the class, carrying a shopping bag with her. She pulled the first item out of the open bag. It was a simple fuchsia colored Lycra t-shirt which was actually quite cute, except for the huge, elaborate and overbearing red shield in the center with a large orange mountain lion sitting on top of the letter C.

"This is our family crest and the emblem of father's company", she explained as she held it out for the class to see. "This is a Boys size small."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! That's a guy's shirt? I'm not wearin' pink", exclaimed Brad from the back row, making Lauren giggle from her seat in the middle.

"Well, of course it is. The girl's is much smaller. And this makes it easier to coordinate your outfits. And besides, that's not pink, it's fuchsia." Camila replied with a roll of her eyes, dropping the shirt into the bag.

"And this, is the girls' shirt." She unzipped her sweatshirt and pulled it off, showing off her matching fuchsia 'T' which as she stated was much smaller than the male version. In fact, it was so short it was barely legal and definitely did not meet the school dress code. The small diamond stud that shined from her belly button didn't help. Who knew Camila was into belly piercings?

This received a number of 'ooohh' and 'hot' comments from the guys. She was wearing a black skirt that matched the shirt and black pumps.

"Now", continued Mr. Cowell, as her joined her by her desk, "you'll be required to wear these clothes whenever we are together as a group on the tour."

"Will you be wearing it too, Mr. Cowell?", called an unknown voice from the back of the room.

Before he could even effect a decent glare, the bell rang signaling free period was over and everyone started leaving the room.

"Now, don't forget to take a permission slip for your parents to sign and you can pick up your clothing from me when you turn in the slip. Camila,", called Mr. Cowell, lowering his voice, "make sure you 'cover up' before going to your next class, dear."

"Yes, sir." Camila blushed and put her sweater back on.


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