A New Start

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Camila went about her daily chores as if it was any other normal day. Well, except for the fact that until she became stranded on this island, her only chores were her own personal care regime - hair care and skin care. Now, she gathered water, cracked coconuts, and cooked her "breakfast" of an oatmeal-like grain which had to be good for you because it tasted like bark. Their cooking pan was one half of a volcanic geode that Lauren split open. It was almost completely hollow inside and made the perfect container because they could cook in it.

Of course, as Camila completed all of these daily tasks, she made sure that she only made enough food for one.

"Ugh", she groaned as she jabbed at the oatmeal with her stirring stick.

It had been three days since their fight and even though she was still royally pissed at Lauren, she also had to admit, albeit reluctantly, that she missed her too. The hardest time was at night - oh, she wasn't cold or anything since she had Lauren's hoodie, but she'd really become accustomed to sleeping next to her. Every morning she woke up with her head lying on her chest because her heartbeat had lulled her into a peaceful sleep the night before. And living with her day in and day out, Camila found that Lauren Jauregui was quickly becoming her best friend. She was laid-back and easy to talk to and she treated her like a real person, not like some untouchable popular goddess. And yes, she did realize that she was the one who projected that imagine to the world, so what did she expect?

She sighed deeply and added a second serving of oats to the pan.

"I know you're there, Lauren, so you can come out now."

Small ferns rustled off to the left and Lauren stood up slowly and stepped out into the open. Camila didn't even look up, but instead continued to tend her meal.

"I was just here to see if you found the fish I left."

"I found it ... and the one before that ... and the one before that." Her voice had an amused edge to it.

"You know I'm really sorry about everything that happened, right?"

"And how would I know that, since this is the first time we've talked in three days? You've just been stalking me, not talking to me."

Lauren looked aghast. "I haven't been stalking you. I've been ... looking out after you. You know, making sure that you're okay and all. You were really sick, you know. I-I was ... worried."

Camila smiled, almost to herself, and looked up at the her for the first time. "That's so sw... Oh, God! Lauren, what happened to your face?"

Lauren's right eye was dark purple with a sickly yellow color around the edges. She touched it self-consciously and looked embarrassed.

"You ... um ... pack quite a punch."

"I did that?", Camila asked in disbelief. Lauren nodded and looked away.

Camila rushed over to her and reached up to gently touch the injured eye. Camila quickly withdrew her hand, embarrassed, when she flinched away in pain.

"I'm sorry", she said quickly. "I had no idea that I'd hurt you."

Lauren shrugged nonchalantly. "It's okay. If I was in the same situation.... I would have reacted the same way. Look Camila, I know it looked bad when you woke up, especially considering what happened the day before, but I was just trying to help..."

"I know."

"I mean you were in bad shape. You'd spent the whole night out in that storm and you were shivering uncontrollably..."

"I said I know. I understand now. I remembered enough of that night and you finding me to figure out what happened. Besides, now that I'm thinking more rationally, I realize that you're not the kind of person who would take advantage of a girl like that."

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