The One Required Filler Chapter

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Camila stared down at Normani's borrowed phone with a perplexed expression on her face.

Normani looked at her curiously. "What's the problem?"

Her lips curled in annoyance. "I-I don't know her number. I've never called her before", she admitted reluctantly. "I mean I was crushing on her, not stalking her."

"Well...we could look up her home number in the phone book", Normani suggested as she began digging through the copious cabinets searching for the seldom referenced book.

"The phone book? Why didn't I think of that?", Camila exclaimed. "I haven't used a phone book in years."

Normani hefted the large book onto the counter and quickly found the listing.

"Here it is: Jauregui comma M; 555-0027."

Camila smiled as she started tapping in the numbers. "Wow, what a coincidence, that's her jersey number", she commented when she got to the '27' in the number.

"How do you know that?"

"How do you not know that? She's like the most famous jock at our school. They plastered her picture all over the building. Besides ... I know a lot more about her than you know."

"Than I want to know", Normani corrected. "I think I'll make myself scarce so I don't hear something that'll make me puke."

Camila wondered into her father's study to find some privacy. The ringing phone was finally picked up.


"H-hi, Mrs. Jauregui?", she asked in unaccustomed nervousness. "This is Camila Cabello." She took a deep breath. "May I, please, speak to Lauren?"

"Of course, Camila, but first... how are you?"

"I'm fine, got a great night's sleep in my own bed." Camila laughed nervously and wondered why Clara's innocent question sounded so loaded.

"Everything fine with the doctor's visit?"

"Sure." Camila heard what sounded like a sigh of relief from Lauren's mom which immediately worried her. "Why? Is there something wrong with Lauren?"

"No, no. Lauren's fine. Everyone's fine ... I'll go get her for you."

The phone was silent for an unusually long time until, "Camz? Is that you?"

She exhaled a breath she didn't know she was holding and sighed audibly as she sank into the worn leather recliner. Her father's private study was expertly decorated, like the rest of the house, but she loved the way it smelled of old leather and pipe tobacco that her father swore he'd given up.

"Yeah, it's me." There was a long moment of silence which they both broke simultaneously when they said, "Missed you." They both laughed at this and tried again, only to both say, "Sorry", at the same time.

Finally, Lauren said, "You go first."

"I missed you." There was far more meaning in those three words than anyone besides them could imagine.


Camila decided to break the somber mood. "Leo doesn't keep my feet warm like you do."

"Ha, ha. So what are you doing today?" And then, without waiting for her answer, she continued, "Mom's taking me out to get a new phone soon.."

"My dad's bringing me mine home tonight. Mama has her heart set on a day at the spa. She wants to spend alone time with me.. I don't mind.. Plus she thinks I need major renovations. It could take all day."

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