Finally Made it to the Airport

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Dinah drove past the exit signs: "Outgoing Flights", "Incoming Flights", "Short-Term Parking" and "Long-Term Parking".

"Hey DJ, I don't know if you noticed or not, but you just missed the entire airport", Lauren pointed out with a frown.

"No worries Lo, FedEx doesn't use the normal passenger terminal. They have their own about a half mile from here", Dinah said confidently.

"I sure hope you know what you're doing", Lauren said with a sigh and then dropped her voice to a whisper. "Hey, I'm sort of worried about her", she said, indicating Camila.

Camila hadn't said a word since her panic-attack induced screaming fit at Lauren. She was just sitting quietly in the backseat of the bug and staring blankly out the window. This was very un-Camila like behavior.

"Yeah, I guess this whole day has been kind of shocking. I'm sure she'll be fine when you guys get to Australia."

"I hope you're right." Lauren bit her lip, tucking her hair behind her ear. She did not want to admit she was more than 'sort of' worried about the girl.


Ten minutes later, an anxious looking Dinah came flying out of the FedEx terminal and ran to her car where Lauren and Camila have been waiting in the tow away zone.

"Oi! Come on you two! You've got to hurry! Your flight is ready to leave now", Dinah shouted.

"Okay, come on Camila", Lauren grabbed Camila's hand and pulled her out of the car. They took off after Dinah who had already run back into the building.

"Here they are, Jose. Ready to go", Dinah announced to a short, dark skinned, young man wearing a FedEx uniform.

"Um, okay, um, ...", Jose was dumbstruck as he stared blankly at Camila who was, of course, still wearing the fuchsia barely-there shirt and low-riser mini-skirt with a diamond prominently sitting on her pierced belly button, unlike Lauren, who was still covered up by her flannel. Wow, she looks like one of those working girls from an episode of CSI; the cheap, hot looking ones who always end up getting murdered, he thought to himself.

"Oi! Jose, snap out of it", chastised Dinah as she reached over and closed Jose's mouth which was currently hanging wide open.

"Yeah Dinah, sorry. Um, she's probably gonna be cold on the plane, you know", Jose continued, "It's right through here. You guys are really lucky to catch this one. If you had been fifteen minutes later, you'd of had to wait until tomorrow. Follow me."

After running flat out for nearly five minutes, they arrived on the airstrip at the bottom of a portable staircase. They were all breathing heavily and Camila, in particular was having great difficulty keeping up. She had abandoned wearing her high heels and had decided to carry them and run barefoot.

Right now, she was bent down with her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath, which was fine with Jose as it afforded him an excellent view of Camila's pert breasts. Lauren and Dinah were in the best shape of the four of them after just having finished a championship softball season for Lauren, and extensive dance classes for Dinah.

All four of them quickly ambled up the stairs and entered the plane. If they were expecting to see a carpeted interior with cushy, plush seats, they were in for a shock.

Instead of a nice carpeted floor, they found themselves standing on a metal-grating. Instead of muted colors on cozy walls, they saw no walls at all. The ceiling was rounded and filled with electrical conduit. The walls and ceilings were stuffed with insulating material and they could see the frame of the plane.

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