The Island - Day 1, Part 2

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"Oh, Lord...", exclaimed Camila as she surveyed their big find. "This is the most beautiful sight I've ever seen."

They stood at the edge of a small pool of crystal blue water. Water fed into the pool by a waterfall on the opposite shore from where they stood. The lagoon was surrounded by rocks and tropical greenery creating an idyllic setting that any photographer would give their eye-teeth to find.

Lauren squatted down next to the water and filling her hand, took a drink. A smile lit her face as she looked up at Camila.

"It's fresh water."

"Is it safe to drink?"

"Don't know, but we'll die without it."

Camila fell to her knees and greedily scooped handfuls of water into her mouth. Then, she proceeded to splash the fresh water on her face.

"Oh, that feels so good. I didn't realize how thirsty I was."

Lauren joined her in gulping down the water as fast as she could. Then, she dunked her whole head under, relished the feel of the cool clean water on her skin. She popped back up and whipped her head with a little pop that sent a stream of water shooting straight into Camila's face.

"Hey!", she shouted indignantly, "That's cold!"

Then, with a wicked smile on her face, she swept her cupped hand through the water and sent a returning volley of water right back at Lauren. What followed was a water fight worthy of any backyard swimming pool. Five minutes later, a thoroughly soaked Camila cried 'uncle' and the battle, if not the war ended.

"I haven't had this much fun in years", remarked Camila as she sat trying to squeeze the water out of her hair.

Lauren was lying back on the soft moss next to her, breathing hard and still laughing. "Yeah, me too."

"My hair is just a mess." Camila dug through her shoulder bag until she found a hairbrush and her Paul Mitchell Leave In Conditioner.

Lauren leaned up on his elbows and watched her silently. She never realized how sexy it was to watch someone rub conditioner into their hair. She bet it felt really soft too. And her skin ... she already knew how good that felt. Unconsciously, she wet her lips and she must have made a noise because she looked up at that instance and caught her. There was no mistaking the look in her eye and her body's reaction to her. Lauren quickly turned away, embarrassed and started staring into the water.

Camila smiled to herself. She may not remember their time in the water, but her body obviously did.

Lauren was trying to calm herself and certain parts of her anatomy by practicing some deep breathing while she stared aimlessly into the pool of water. She slowly returned to normal - well, her normal ... which wasn't quite 'normal', but then, she was a teenage female so that was to be expected.

"Look at that!", shouted Camila as she pointed down into the water. She was standing beside her now.

And there, right where Camila had been seeing, but not looking, was a school of about six large fish swimming lazily through the water.

"We need to catch one", Camila stated, matter-of-factly.

"How?", Lauren asked. She had no idea, but her stomach certainly liked the idea of a fish fry.

"No idea."

Lauren looked around at her surroundings and tried to think outside the box. Suddenly, a small sparkling light hit her left eye and she automatically blinked and reached up to bat it away. Then, she realized what was sparkling. She stepped towards Camila so quickly that she automatically stepped back.

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