Welcome to Miami

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If their trip home seemed to drag since being rescued, it was now switched into hyper-drive an they were back on another plane heading back home to Miami and apparently away from each other. For since their reunion with their families, it seemed like there was a silent conspiracy brewing among the adults to try and keep them apart. Alejandro had bought out the entire first-class section of the commercial airliner, but even so, Lauren and Camila were seated as far away from each other as possible.

"Oh, look at you, my poor baby. You're so thin. Don't worry, we'll feed you right now that you're home", Sinu reassured her daughter while patting her hand and unconsciously smoothing back her damaged cuticles with her own professionally manicured fingers. She looked at her daughter and gently pushed back her hair to see her eyes. "You look so beautiful. Although we need to get you looking better. As soon as we get home we'll have your hair redone." Camila sat with her head leaning against the plush headrest and said nothing. "And your nails as well. Would you like me to set up a spa day for you to get rejuvenated, baby?"

"Maybe.. But Please, mama... I'd like to get a little sleep ... if you don't mind." She closed her eyes and turned her head away from her talkative mother.

"So, I thought we could visit your grandmother once we get back home, maybe next week sometime. And your cousins will be coming down for this weekend ... but only for Sunday. I know you'll want to get together with your friends, so maybe they could come over for pizza on Saturday night. You know, Dinah, Ally, Mani."

"Mom, I really just want to get some sleep, okay? I'm sorry, I'm not good company right now."

"Sure, honey. I'll go up front and check on your father."

"... not interested in any kind of publicity for Camila with regards to..."

"Oh, I agree absolutely. I think the best thing is for them to get back to their old lives as quickly as possible."

Mike and Alejandro had certainly connected over the last few hours especially after they had bodily thrown that irritating Jeff Probst out the door back at the airport. Their shared protective natures for their daughters linked them together in an unbreakable bond.

Clara and Sinu joined the men as they continued their plans for the teenagers.

"Lauren looks awfully thin; she's taking a nap now and she never naps", Clara lamented as the four adults sat around a small table set up in the lounging section of the first class portion of the plane. "They should definitely be checked out by a doctor when we get home. Maybe a vitamin shot would help."

"I agree with the vitamins. Camila's hair is a disaster. It's just full of split ends", Sinu added.

"I thought her hair looked charming. I love the braid. And they're both beautifully tanned, but I guess that's to be expected under the circumstances."


"A pregnancy test wouldn't hurt either."

Everyone turned sharply to stare unabashedly at Dinah Jane, who sat a few seats away on her phone but couldn't help but listen in on the conversation.

"Come on", she laughed nervously. "We all saw how they were with each other when they didn't know we were watching. And they were alone on that island for over six weeks."

Alejandro closed his eyes and took a breath and let it out slowly before replying. "She's got a point."

"I ... suppose." This was from Sinu.

"Oh my goodness", was Clara's comment.

"We should definitely keep an eye on them ... a very close eye", Mike told the others.

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