Hips Don't Lie

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When the mentioned song starts in the chapter, I suggest you play it while you read.


"You tricked me", Lauren moaned after five minutes of flipping through Camila's iPhone. Camila just smiled knowingly. "This thing is full of crap. I mean ... come on ... Ke$ha..."

"I only like 'Die Young'; that's a good song."

"...'You're Beautiful'..."

"That was a moment of weakness", she admitted.

"...Abba? They're like a thousand years old."

"Hey, the movie Mamma Mia has totally revived them."


"It's so sad. How can you not love that one?"

"It's so sappy, you mean."

"And these others are just too pitiful to mention."

"Hey, those are some of my favorite songs", she retorted indignantly.

"How about some good groups like Red Hot Chili Peppers or The 1975? Now those are some great bands", Lauren said with conviction.

"Sounds like something you need to take an antacid for", Camila quipped as she took her phone from her. "There must be something in here that you like."

"Well, 'Hips Don't Lie' does have a nice video." Lauren snatched the phone back.

Camila just rolled her eyes at her. "I should have known. And what's the big deal anyway? Anyone can dance like that."

"Nuh-uh!", she postulated indignantly.

"Yuh-uh!", came Camila's incensed counter attack.

"Nuh-uh!", Lauren repeated, showing her ability to continue with this riveting discussion to the bitter end.

"Yuh-uh!", Camila parroted her enraged inflection and stood her ground.

"Prove it!", Lauren shouted as her chest heaved due to a combination of the altitude and this inane conversation.

Camila paused at that one and took a quick look around the aircraft. The crew hadn't been seen since take-off and the cockpit door was firmly closed. Camila raised her chin at the challenge and removed her hoodie as she stood.

"Okay...gimme a beat."


Camila stared at her patronizingly. "Start the song, Lauren."

"Oh, sure. I knew that." Lauren clicked on the play icon with and Wyclef Jean's voice filled the cabin. Apparently the iPhone had excellent speakers.

I never really knew that she could dance like this

She makes a man wants to speak Spanish
Como se llama, bonita, mi casa, su casa
Shakira, Shakira

As soon as the music started, Camila began snapping her hips from side to side in a move which really impressed and disturbed Lauren. Her hips were twitching left and right and making the little diamond attached to her bellybutton shimmer and shine in the dim light of the aircraft. It was sexy and erotic and oh so, Camila, but wasn't Lauren supposed to be dating Brad. She frowned at that thought.

Oh baby when you talk like that
You make a woman go mad
So be wise and keep on
Reading the signs of my body

Then, she popped her upper body - something Lauren had never seen before that Shakira video and definitely, something Lauren never thought she'd see in person. How did she get her body to move like that?

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