01: "Sweet doe"

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It was a rare sight for most to see King Robert Baratheon sitting in the Iron Throne sober. Of course, it was nothing new to me, I didn't see him as the ignorant and drunk brute of a man everyone portrayed him to be. At least he never gave me reason to see him in such a way, I was his darling daughter and he my loving papa.

Father had a role to play in the production of the Red Keep. As did I. We all filled out our roles seamlessly and mostly without complaint. Still, behind heavily guarded doors Robert Baratheon was a different man to his facade. 

The rest of the Seven Kingdom's, including my mother, only saw one side of him. The Whoremonger King who walked around in a drunken stupor, red-faced with dark circles under his eyes and a cup of wine in his hand. 

But I knew the truth. I was there for every night-time tale and mid-day piggyback ride. I felt his relentless tries to braid my unruly hair and gentle forehead kisses long after he thought I had fallen to slumber. 

My father was a kind and gentle man to the family he loved so dearly. 

So, when Papa called the court into the Great Hall for an announcement they were quite taken aback. He played his character to the tea.

I included myself to the surprised reactions, seeing as Papa hadn't indulged me in any notion of an announcement.

Father had only taken his seat a short while ago and yet it felt as if we had been waiting hours for him to end our curiosity.

The look on his face was stern, Papa's hands were clenched into fist so tight his knuckles were turning white and his eyes kept flickering between the small council and myself. His gaze was filled with anger and reluctance, I could only suspect the announcement wasn't a joyous one.

"As most of you are aware my daughter, Princess Kendra, is of marriageable age." Papa spoke dryly and my eyes widened at the mention of my name. I didn't need someone to spell out what his next words would be. I already knew and my heart stopped at the realisation. I had been waiting for this news for some time now. The weight upon my shoulders only grew heavier at the imminence of my fate. "For many moons I have been in negotiations with the House of Martell and I am glad to announce my daughter will soon marry Prince Oberyn Nymeros Martell."

The nobles and their kin immediately broke out in hushed whispers around me, I remained static. I had yet to process my father's words. I was to be married to Oberyn Martell, a Martell.

I was trying to catch my father's eye but he wouldn't dare look at me, a sign of guilt no doubt, and for several seconds my eyes stayed on him. Watching his cheek twitch and his left leg jitter in agitation. But what did he have to be nervous about? I was the one being married off to a man over twenty years my senior and I was the one to be shipped off to Dorne with no regard to my own feelings or desires.

I knew my place as the eldest daughter of the King. That didn't make this any easier. I had always assumed father would let me pick my future husband. I suppose I thought wrong. 

I didn't want to hear any more of his words, so I turned on my heel and walked out of the Great Hall. I couldn't care less if the nobles created a scandal out of my abrupt escape, the tears in my eyes would cause a much bigger scene.

"Kendra..." I heard him call after me, but his voice only made me race faster towards the royal apartments. I could hear his footsteps catching up with me and damn my small legs if I could have gone any faster I would've, his tight grip on my elbow finally stopped me and he turned me around to face him.

"What Father?" I questioned him, tearing my arm out of his hold. I paused trying to get a hold of my emotions, but I couldn't stop the tears from escaping. And it was like a floodgate, so many tears burst, running down my cheeks like a broken dam.

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