10: "Ivory beads and crystals"

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Oberyn's soft voice nudged me from the comfort of sleep, I groaned burying my face into my pillow refusing to acknowledge the upcoming day.

Waking up was not the pleasure it once had been; there was a fleeting moment that made me forget the inevitable day ahead, as Oberyn wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his body heat. But it left as soon as it came, the reminder of my dreaded gown fitting lingering in the back of my mind.

To most a new garment wouldn't be meet with the same foreboding as I, better yet ladies would rejoice at the chance of a royal gown fitting. Still, I was less than happy knowing my mother would dress me up in an all gold, lion encrusted, Lannister centric gown. And only to parade her power in front of the citizens of Westeros, my style and choice were never her first train of thought.

"You worry too much." Oberyn muttered softly, his lips hovering over my shoulder in a soft kiss. "The fitting will go smoothly my love."

"You don't know my mother like I do Oberyn." I sighed, tilting my head to the side to kiss him just below his lips.

I knew I would have to leave the comfort of Oberyn's arms soon enough and Ada's discreet cough made her arrival known, confirming my thoughts. She had undoubtedly become accustomed to the intimacy between Oberyn and I, but mind you, it didn't stop her from sharing her notion on what was and was not proper.

She scolded me on my tardiness, whilst I layed in the security of Oberyn's arms watching her scurrying across the room. She held tightly onto a light blue wrap dress, depositing it over the wall divider before turning around to look at me expectantly.

Ada was a committed handmaiden, she stayed by my side more than not and her assistance was always appreciated.

"I'll be fine on my own Ada, thank you."

At my words she bowed her head and silently left the room, I slipped out of Oberyn's arms and rolled out of bed. "Help me, please?"

Clearly not wanting to leave the heat of the bed Oberyn playfully groaned. I watched him as he walked over to me, clad in a pair of silk pyjama bottoms showing off his muscular chest. My lips twitched upwards into a smirk at the display of his body.

I was dressed in a matter of minutes, Oberyn helping to tie my overly complicated corset. I kissed his cheek in gratitude before I scurried, quite gracefully, through the halls to Father's chambers.

Here onwards my day worsened, starting with my mother standing impatiently beside my father. She tauntingly smirked in my direction as I tried to persuade him to allow me to go to the seamstress of my own accord. He subsequently denied my plea, shooing the pair of us out of the Keep and into a carriage that brought us directly in front of the most prestigious fashion house in King's Landing.

From the moment we entered the glorified workshop Mother would not back down on expressing her views on the style of my gown. She ignored my suggestions, ignored the designer's ideas and didn't buckle under Marion's stern speech on the current plunging neckline trend.

I had to admit it was amusing to watch two headstrong women battle for their ideas but there was only so long I could endure being the feeble princess the Lannister's pushed around.

"No." Just one word, but it brought the room to a stand still.

"No." I spoke clearer this time, "This is my gown, not yours Mother."

She looked shocked, of course, I rarely stood up to her but this was different. For once I cared about how I looked, I wanted to look breathtaking for my betrothed and I wasn't going to let my mother belittle me because of it.

Like most youthful, westerosi ladies I had idolised the notion of marriage from a young age, so this certainly was not the first time I had thought of the design for my marital gown.

I took a step away from the wall I had coward myself into and sat down next to Marion at her sketching desk, taking a sheet of parchment I began to illustrate my ideas.

"I like the thought of a powder pink or cream silk, I want a plunging neckline outlined with ivory beads and crystals, the bodice will have flower-like textured laces," I rambled, sketching my design as I spoke. "and a full silk tulle skirt with floral embellishments."

I looked up at Marion and Mother expectantly, Marion looked pleasantly surprised whereas my mother had a sour expression overtaking her face.

"What do you think?"

"I can make do." Marion nodded, a slight smile broke her austere facade.

"Mother?" It was foolish of me to want her approval, after all these years of her pushing me away with snide remarks and criticisms. But I couldn't deny the small girl inside of me who wanted her blessing.

"Adjust the neckline, you will not represent our house looking like a common..."

"You're exaggerating," I rolled my eyes at her incessant reasoning, to think she may have favoured my design was a ridiculous thought. "a plunging neckline is not going to send out a whorish impression."

Mother's face scrunched up into a grimace, she without a doubt hated not being in control. She was silent, only for a moment longer before she compromised, I smiled at my small victory.

Marion took me by the hand, guiding me to stand on a podium in the centre of the workroom, as a nearby assistant handed her a measuring tape. She continued to measure my body, noticeably smirking when she discovered several love marks across the crevice of my neck.

I sent her a pleading gaze not to mention my indiscretions and she quickly nodded, moving onto the length of my arms. The interaction didn't go unnoticed, however, my mother kept a prolonged gaze on my shoulder and neck area. Evidently trying to seek a peek at the marks Oberyn had made the night before.

Not long after my mother and I were being shown out of the fashion house, onto the poor streets of King's Landing.

And none other than the Red Viper himself stood before us.

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