12: "Sweet talking"

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The Throne Room always reminded me of a hunting ground. The nobility and their spies scavenging for any crumb of scandal or gossip. Naturally the royal family were their prey but I never buckled under the pressure.

I could feel their stares following my every move, each step being examined and each breath being scrutinised. I kept walking, one foot in front of the other until I took my place next to Oberyn and Papa, who sat on the Iron Throne. Of course I knew the cause behind their constant gawking, the wedding was only a sunset away and Oberyn was a fine suitor.

The women's gazes were envious, I could hear their quiet whispers and I could practically see the rumors tumble from their mouths. Half truths swirled around the room and I was suffocated under their presumptions.

"Sorry I'm late." I whispered, keeping my gaze on the arriving dignitaries and smiling to the approaching Harte family.

"Don't worry yourself my stag," Papa smiled, he caught my eye for a moment before summoning Ser Elwood Harte forward to receive his gifts. "Do you know the cause of their stares?"

"The wedding?" I guessed, my voice quiet as Papa called forward the next noble house.

"No." He spoke making a tutting sound at the back of his throat. I watched his eyes flicker around the faces at court, his gaze causing grown men the shiver in fear and young debutants to hush their words. "They know Oberyn shares your chamber."

A small gasp escaped my lips but it was quickly covered by a cough and a neutral face, "How?"

"For all they know it's speculation" Oberyn interjected, taking my hand and squeezing it gently.

"Partially it is." Papa's gruff voice stated, his hand grasped at his jaw harshly rubbing his beard. "You've never touched my daughter."

"Of course not, my King." I heard Oberyn say, quietly snickering to himself. I sneaked a look in his direction to see the halfwit fighting a smile, I looked away before his mischievous look could spread to my face as well. But before I could fight against it I was already looking at him, and he was looking at me, and we were both biting back laughter.

Thankfully before Papa could continue his embarrassing comments his attention moved to the sound of a heavy footed man entering the hall. His face was solemn and his grey eyes looked as hard as stone, he had dark hair to match with a closely-trimmed beard that had began to grey. Next to him stood a beautiful woman; with fair skin, long auburn hair and blue eyes. The couple made their way forward but not before Papa met them halfway where he clasped the man's shoulder fondly.

I glance at Oberyn, my lips pursed in confusion towards the unknown couple and their relation to my father.

"The Starks," Oberyn whispered into the shell of my ear, "Eddard is a close friend to the King."

"Oh yes, I remember them now." I said smiling at the memory of Papa recounting the joyful times with his foster brother in the Eyrie.

As Papa and the Starks busied themselves with chatter, Oberyn tugged on my hand nodding towards the side doors.

"Everyone is watching" I whispered, biting my lip in an attempt to stifle a giggle at his plans of escape.

"So?" Oberyn challenged me, his eyebrow raised and a large smirk making its way across his face. My satin skirts swayed against my ankles as I scurried alongside his guidance, I could hear a few men and women chuckle at our tactical retreat but we were far gone before anyone, including Papa, could stop us.

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