09: "Perfect for you"

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I slid down into the tub letting the hot water consume my body. Steam lifted off the surface filling the tiled room with a thin cloud of mist and the scent of rose salts, the combination of the steamy water and Ada's soft humming eased my body into relaxation.

Waiting was horrible, not knowing when Oberyn would come to me or even where he was for that matter was vexing. I had decided, in a moment of complete determination, that the next time I saw Oberyn I would confront him with my apology. I wouldn't hide like a timid young girl or explode into an angry mess of jealousy as I had before.

I had to stop being so judgemental. I was in a privileged position, no matter my circumstances father would always provide for me. Not all ladies had the same luxury. It must have been a blow to Ellaria to find out her role was relinquished.

I needed to see Oberyn; my body longed for his delicate touch, his soft words and his brazen smile. Mostly for his forgiveness and understanding.

I let a quiet whimper slip through my lips in frustration, I wanted the tension between us to be far in the past. Sliding my body further down the tin tub I emerged myself under the water. The heat tickled the untouched skin of my shoulders and face, I only remained completely under the surface for a moment longer before slumping against the tub's head rest.

"Can I come in?"

I looked up surprised to see Oberyn leaning against the archway separating my bathing room from my sleeping chambers. He sported an unusual grin despite the current circumstances, one I struggled to return.

"Of course." I quietly replied dropping my eyes to the ripples of the water as he made his way to kneel beside me. His forearm rested against the rim of the tub, my arm erupting in goosebumps as his fingers swirled around in the water.

"Sunbeam, please forgive me." Oberyn's fingers travelled through the water to tap my arm. My eyes lifted guiltily to take in Oberyn's appearance, his expression soft and comforting.

"There's nothing to forgive," I replied, my bottom lip trembling as I tried to keep my tears at bay. My hand had a mind of it's own moving to rest on his neck, gently stroking his fine hair with my fingers.

"It's my fault. I'm sorry for letting my jealousy control me, I want to be perfect for you and Ellaria..." I paused, "she already is."

The shocked look on Oberyn's face made me want to sink into the bath water in embarrassment. My insecurities were more than reasonable in my eyes, obviously not his. And granted we had only known each other for a short while but it had felt like a lifetime to me, one I definitely did not want to lose to another women.

"You're the one I want." He removed my hand from his neck and lifted my fingers to his lips, leaving a soft kiss against my skin. "Ellaria will always be the mother to my children, but we have long since been separated."

"You're beautiful Kendra, a brave Dornish princess who underestimates just how truly wonderful she is."

A smile etched it's way onto my lips, those simple words meant the world to me. "This marriage is more than just a necessity for me, I care for you Oberyn and I am sorry I accused you of such roguish acts."

"You're forgiven, I never want you to doubt yourself again." He whispered, a content smile spread over his face and his grip on my hand tightened.

"I promise." I giggled, capturing his lips into a long awaited kiss. Oberyn matched my intensity darting his tongue, timidly at first, across my lower lip before tangling it with mine in a deep kiss. His hands glided down my back, along my waist to grab my exposed arse.

I let out a gasp -cursing Oberyn's name- at the sudden realisation of my nakedness and squirmed out of his hold, wrapping my arms around my exposed breasts. My eyes narrowed in a playful glare; his twinkled with amusement. 

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