05: "Sunbeam"

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I had to admit Oberyn's arrival to the Red Keep hadn't been a wanted one. The first few days were much of the same; the exchanges of stories and memories, likes and dislikes, favourite foods and hobbies. Oberyn wasn't the man I had anticipated, he was a breath of fresh air and the surprise was welcomed. I found myself at ease with the Dornishman I'd only known for a few sunrises.

Initially my apprehension to our marriage had come from fear, like most things did. I was scared to leave my Father, my most trusted confidant, and I was terrified of being married to a horrid lord. I was angry at the small council for conspiring behind me and my mother's joy at my soon to be departure.

But, after spending time with Oberyn I had learnt two things; one, he would never stop me from carrying out my desires within reason of course and two, he was a kind soul.

Currently Oberyn and I were laying motionless in bed, his arm protectively wrapped around my waist cocooning me into his warmth. There was something about him being so close that made it impossible for me to think straight. The natural smell of him, a mixture of wine and spice I found addicting, lingered on his body and around the room.

I softly turned around in his arms and couldn't help but admire how peaceful he looked. I moved my hand out of the blanket's confinement and lightly traced the contours of his face, trailing my fingers along his cheekbone. His usual laughter lines were less noticeable now that he was relaxed, I swear this man had the most contagious smile in all of the known world.

"Sunbeam," He sleepily moaned, moving to nestle his face further into my neck. "Go back to sleep."

I smiled at his reluctance to wake up, the night before we had talked into the moonlight. Mainly about Dorne, the city soon to be my home. I couldn't wait to leave the backstabbing city that was King's Landing in favour of the free Dornish lands.

"You promised we would dine in the conservatory for morning tea." I spoke, trying to nudge Oberyn out of his dozy state.

"I don't remember saying any such thing." He mumbled, rolling his head away from me to rub his bloodshot eyes.

"Oberyn." I whined, trying to rouse him further from his sleep induced laziness.

Appearing in my time of need a knock on the door stirred Oberyn. Slowly the door opened to reveal Ada, "Breakfast is waiting for you, Kendra."

"Of course Ada dear, thank you." Oberyn sleepily teased, his gaze flickering up to me with a wolfish grin on his face.

"Prince Oberyn, good morn to you too." Ada laughed, shaking her head as she scurried into the chamber.

I watched from my place in bed as she moved around the room collecting my garments and accessories for the day. "Your blue dress Princess?"

"Yes please Ada." I agreed, she held a silk blue gown in her arms.

It wasn't long ago that all of my gowns were handpicked by Mother, every style had to pass her approval before they even came close to my chambers. But I had grown tired of the high necklines and the scratchy cloth, so I donated them all to the Faith of the Seven and commissioned brand new silk gowns.

Soon enough I was hidden behind my wall divider and Ada had made a quick start on wrapping the gown. Unlike my other garments this one didn't have a corset, the bodice being a silk wrap in between golden detailing that swept down from the shoulders to the waist.

"You seem very taken with the Prince." Ada whispered into my ear as she tied up my gown. "What ever happened to the stubborn princess who didn't want to marry a certain Dornish Viper?"

"Well once we began talking..." I laughed, turning around to face my friend. "Gods Ada I don't even know what's happened to me."

"You've been swept up into the storm of young love, Princess."

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