02: "Before dawn"

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"Ada, hurry!"

It wasn't every day a woman met her future husband for the first time. I had to make a good impression, prove I wasn't a spoiled princess or a naive child. Unfortunately, all wasn't going to plan, and I had overslept. Now, I was most definitely late.

Ada and I had giggled into the early hours of the morn, fallen asleep on top of one another and been woken up by a King's Guard furiously tapping on my chamber door. We had both been in a frenzy to make myself presentable, rushing around the room and tripping over forgotten shoes and gowns.

Ada was currently fussing with my hair, pinning my golden headpiece in securely. "All done, now go before your betrothed arrives before you." She said, sliding the last pin into my hair.

"Well let's hope he's worth all your efforts," I smiled, kissing her cheek as a thank you.

I fled my chambers walking towards the Great Hall, it felt strange to think the man I would marry was in the walls of my home. He was the man I would spend the rest of my life with, yet I hadn't even spoken to him nor met him. I had no idea what he looked like except for Ada referring to him as devilishly handsome. In the end his looks would be rendered useless if he was horrid in nature.

I slowed down my pace as the entrance to the Great Hall came into view, the doors opened with a deep rumble and the nobles lining the outer walls of the hall turned to eye me in curiosity. Papa sat on the Iron Throne as per usual, his face was stone cold until a glint of happiness shined in his eyes when he noticed me enter the hall. Mother stood with a grimace on her face to the side of him and in a row of age order stood my siblings, Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen. Father's hand, Jon Arryn, stood to his right followed by my grandfather and uncles.

"I apologise for my tardiness Father," I began, joining my hands and lifting my head high as I walked down the aisle of courtiers. "I hope I haven't missed anything important."

Papa smiled and rose to his feet, clasping my hands in his own. "You are on time my sweet doe, we are all but simply early."

"Flattery will get you nowhere Papa, I'm still mad at you." I smiled, a contradiction to my words but he knew I was only jesting.

Papa laughed, guiding me along to stand in between Joffery and Myrcella, my younger brother plastered his face with a fake smile. He always got his own way, curtesy of my mother no doubt. It mattered not that I was the first-born, Joffrey was the eldest male heir and to his endless delight he outranked me.

"You needn't be so scared sister," He spoke in a hushed whisper as Papa returned to the Iron Throne, and I could tell he was enjoying the situation at hand. "The Red Viper is only marrying you to avenge his sister. I'm sure he won't touch a hair on your pretty little head."

Before I could question him, Joffrey's snicker was cut off by the sound of trumpets in the distance.

"Ah here he is," Papa announced, leaning back in his throne.

The entrance doors opened to show a parade of noblemen and their servants. A middle-aged man stepped forward and bowed in front of my father. He was clearly the most prominent man of the company. The man wore a deep yellow tunic embroidered with orange swirls and stars. His dark brown trousers covered his muscular legs which did not avoid my gaze. However, the more I studied the man's structured face it became apparent this wasn't Oberyn. He sported no facial hair and his dark black hair curled around the side of his face, resting just above his shoulders unlike the description Ada had previously given me of the prince's short hair and stubble.

"Your Grace, it is a pleasure to be in your company. I am Deziel Dalt of Lemonwood," He spoke coldly, the sincerity of his words not matching the tone of his voice. The man's narrowed eyes trailed along the family line until they rested on my figure. Then his entire demeanour changed from hostility to curiosity, I shuddered under the intensity of his stare and not soon enough he moved on. "Prince Doran sends his kindest regards."

"I'm sure he does," Papa stated, knowing full well the words were fluff and not at all sincere. Papa was the king, he warranted respect and politeness from all his subjects, including those who wished him or his family ill-will. Court was a well played game where all wore masks and spoke pretty lies. "And where is Prince Oberyn, may I ask?"

"He arrived before dawn, he's not a man for welcome parties." Deziel responded as if it was a well-known fact. His eyes locked on me once again as he showed off a dazzling smirk. He even had the audacity to wink.

I slowly turned my gaze to Papa, the tension between the Martells and Lannisters was thick enough without my father joining in on the animosity. His face slowly turned into a scowl as he shook his head in disparagement.

"Well, since Prince Oberyn's attention is held elsewhere, you are dismissed until supper." He stated in an eerily calm tone, "My men will escort you to your quarters." The Lord Dalt bowed once more and the procession of Dornishmen retreated out of the Great Hall.

Papa lifted himself out of his seat and started to follow the men out, "Tyrion, locate Oberyn would you." He bluntly ordered over his shoulder; he shot a small smile my way before exiting the Hall.

The nobles joined the rest of my family taking their leave from the large hall. My uncle and I stood still side by side. Tyrion had been my favourite uncle. Always at the ready to laugh at life's little jokes. I suppose now was not the time and I was confused by the situation at hand.

Nonetheless I brushed away my nerves, "How do we find one man in such a large city?"

"You don't little one, I will go alone." He said, looking down at his feet.

There was a tension in the air since the Dornishmen had arrived. I assumed it derived from the animosity between long feuding houses. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe this was more than the usual politicking.

Tyrion could not meet my eye. There were only a few things in this world that made a male family member so uncomfortable.

He must think Oberyn was in the Street of Silks.

''Alone means being accompanied by your squire and friend, Uncle?" I questioned him.

"Kendra." Tyrion looked uncomfortable. It was most unlike him to act in such a way. His eyes switched between Bronn and Podrick, almost begging them for help. Conveniently, both men remained silent, looking around the Great Hall to avoid my eye as well. "I only want to protect you, you might not like the outcome of where the Viper could be."

"I'm not so innocent to be oblivious to the acts of unattached men, uncle.''

Tyrion and his company chuckled at my statement, "To know and to see are much different things.''

I knew this to be true in practice. Whilst the knowledge that my soon-to-husband was potentially whoring his way through King's Landing wasn't a dagger to my heart, the sight could be a different story.

Oberyn and I were stuck in the same boat, floating down a river we both had no control over. Our destination was unclear, but I would make the best out of our situation and I could only hope he felt the same way. In line with this thought, his lack of appearance today surely must be for show. An act in front of the court as a rebellion against my Lannister family. The likelihood was small, but I had hope.

Tyrion cleared his throat in an attempt to re-gain my attention and I turned my head to give him small smile. "I will leave you to it then, Uncle."

I took my leave of the Great Hall and as I walked through the arch of the hall's doors, I heard a comment that made both my blood boil and my curiosity spike.

"When you're famous for fucking half of Westeros, which brothel would you choose?"

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