06: "Secretly acquainted"

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"Does it feel strange going to your chambers?" I teased Oberyn.

We were walking arm-in-arm through the corridors of the Maidenvault which housed the chambers of his Dornishmen and daughters.

"They're more the girls chambers than my own." Oberyn chuckled, a genuine smile gracing his face as it always did when talking about his girls.

I hummed in agreement, guiding him through the main entrance. On the other side was a large anteroom that connected corridors leading to their particular set of guest apartments.

Nearing closer, I tried to refrain myself from chewing on my lip in nervousness. Oberyn had made clear the girls were incredibly important to him, a fact that the people of the seven kingdoms knew well. The rumours had spread like wildfire when the news of illegitimate children was discovered. Unlike the majority of noblemen, Oberyn didn't hide his girls away and stepped up to claim them as his own flesh and blood.

Before Oberyn could guide me into their chambers, I pulled us to a halt.

"What if they don't like me?" I asked, squeezing onto his upper arm for support.

"They will." Oberyn's words were confident, the complete opposite of how I felt. Anxiousness was poisoning my body like a disease, overtaking my mind until the only thing standing in front of me was the girl's rejection.

Oberyn's arms snaked around my waist, pulling me into his body in an attempt to put out the fire of nerves.

"What if they think I'm too young for you, too naive and silly."

"No 'what ifs' Kendra." He mumbles into my hair.

I pull away from him slightly, just enough space between us for me to rest my chin on his chest. I looked up into his eyes poking out my bottom lip, wanting to escape to our chambers or the gardens or anywhere but here.

"They're going to like you just as much as I do." Oberyn smiled, his eyes softening the more he spoke. "And you know why?"

"Why?" I whispered.

"Because you're strong-"

I scoffed at his words, strong? People had called me many things but strong was never one of them. I wasn't even strong enough to stand up to my perfect little brother or my standoffish mother.

"No, you are strong." He repeated, gently circling his thumbs around in the fabric resting on my hips. "I'm not wasting my time, merely building a life with my future wife. My future wife who is beautiful, kind and strong."

"Your Mother has made many tremble with fear but you toss her words to the side as if they were dust on a mantle piece." He smirks, clearly remembering the times Mother's words have only made my eyes roll. Perhaps that was a victory in itself. To not retaliate to my mother's taunts was the opposite of what she wanted.

"Well, not everyone knows she's really a cat in a lion's skin." I smiled, letting my self-confidence override my doubt as if it were the heat that evaporated water.

"Feeling better now?" Oberyn asked, his eyes searching mine for any sign of hesitance.

"Yes, thank you." I smiled, leaning up on my tiptoes to connect our lips in a sweet kiss. "Now lets meet those sandsnakes of yours."

Oberyn chuckled, offering his arm once again to pull me through the doors of his chambers.

We entered, to my surprise the room was empty but Oberyn's smile stayed fixed on his face as he walked us towards the balcony. Once outside a burst of wind cooled the nervous sweat layering my skin.

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