03: "Dorea"

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Knowledge is power and ignorance is bliss.

However true that statement is, I was soon to find out.

My family wanted to protect me from the harsh realities of life in Westeros but I was soon to be thrown into a viper pit. The contradiction was so typical of court life.

The streets of King's Landing were always a marriage of sounds and the street of silks was tenfold, from vendors hollering to harlots seducing. Even in broad daylight the shenanigans continued. Although the tall buildings and narrow alleyways hardly allowed for much sunlight to shine through. The air still hummed with life from people moving every which way; a maze of music, song and desire.

I continued on my route, weaving between the people and avoiding their curious gaze. I attempted to disguise myself with a large black cloak but it hadn't the desired affect.

All the hustle and bustle caused a panicked heat over my skin. I held my breath and pursed my lips to steel myself against the feeling of being exposed.

The entrance to my destination was nondescript. A set of faded brown doors. Did one knock as they entered a brothel?

I twisted the knob and opened the door. 

The air felt heavy as I walked through its hallways. Its stagnant smell surrounded me as I flitted between hot, sweaty bodies.

The brothel was busy by all accounts. The main entrance had lead to an open court yard, corridors branching off to what I assumed were private rooms.

Silk canopies hung from the ceiling giving a bewitching feel to the otherwise run down building.

Couples were scattered throughout the space; kissing, touching and moaning. Almost like they took pleasure being out in the open, in being watched by others.

Gods, what was I doing here?

One look of recognition could have my reputation in tatters. I suppose then I would be out of this mess, but then thrown in to another.

Growing up in the Keep, I had watched courtiers come and go. Young ladies so full of life and excitement, the diamonds were married off quickly and others would wait on the side lines for their fairytale endings. Then there were the unlucky girls, swept up in a romance only to be ruined by rumour and innocent touches. I still remembered the poor Lady Marya who had been caught kissing the pirate lord, Davos Seaworth. It was the scandal of the Season.

Arranged marriages were very common in the Seven Kingdoms. More times than not, these marriages were a loveless political game. Almost a chess match between the high families.

It wasn't unusual for a husband to take lovers or even a long standing paramour.

Nevertheless, I hadn't pictured myself in such a position. To be quite honest with myself I hadn't thought much of the future. Was this the last time I would hunt for my husband in a dingy brothel?

I was the daughter of the King. I wasn't an ordinary highborn lady. I deserved the very best of men. Even if our marriage wasn't a love match.  

This wasn't what I wanted for myself.

How I longed to be free of the burdens I carried with me. Oberyn was a free man. Never restricted by the tight confines of a corset. Both physically and metaphorically, for I could feel the tightness in my chest from the boned structure I wore sunrise to nightfall. I was trapped at Court. My every move followed and whispered about. Even here surrounded by love-makers who paid me no mind; I was never alone, never unobserved.

The daughter of a king was the optimum of decorum and etiquette. I was expected to follow my duty, swallow my nerves and hold my head high. I most definitely wasn't supposed to be here, I shouldn't even know of its existence.

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