13: "Only the best"

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"Oh Kendra," Papa enthused, a wide and proud smile spreading across his face. "You look radiant."

I thanked him, nervously smoothing out the invisible wrinkles on my wedding gown.

I noticed he quickly brushed away a lone tear that fell from his eye as he enveloped me in his arms. I buried my face into his chest, the soothing beat of his heart kept my nerves grounded.

I knew the day would be long and busy. Needless to say I wasn't looking forward to the endless fakery of the guests, all I wanted was Oberyn.

"Are you okay?" Papa released me, keeping an arm around my waist as he guided us out of the royal dressing chamber.

"No, what if I mess up?" I asked quietly, my stomach shifting uneasily and Papa halted our walk through the secret passageways to the Great Sept of Baelor.

"You won't." He commented softly, gathering my skittish hands into his large ones. "Focus on Oberyn and the ceremony will be over in a blink of an eye."

"You're right." I let out a nervous laugh, glad to have him to comfort me.

Papa pulled me closer and pressed a kiss to my forehead, "Whatever happens, know that I am proud of you."

I nodded happily, taking Papa's arm and continuing our walk. My cream silk dress swayed against my ankles as we made our way up to the entrance of the Sept. The grand doors opened to reveal two crowds of guests standing either side of an aisle in rows.

Oberyn was standing between two statues of the Father and the Mother, he hadn't noticed me yet but he looked amazing in his usual orange and yellow robes, pridefully wearing an opal sun brooch.

I sucked in a deep breath scanning over the standing crowds, Mother stood at the front of the hall along with Joffrey, Tommen and Uncle Jaime. Uncle Tyrion stood further back, once he caught my eyes he sent me a wink. No doubt he could see my nervousness, I'm sure everyone in the hall could see straight through me.

As we made our way along the marble aisle, Oberyn's eyes connected with mine and he sent me a gentle smile. I tightened my hand on Papa's arm as we made our way up the steps before the alter. Papa nodded to Oberyn as he passed my hand to him, Oberyn intertwined our fingers stroking my palm soothingly.

"Your Grace, my Lords, my Ladies." The High Septon step forward presenting himself before the hall, "We stand here in the sight of the gods and men to witness the union of man and wife."

The seven vows, the seven blessings and the seven promises were exchanged. Then the wedding songs began, but I could barely concentrate on the words. My mind was consumed by thoughts of Oberyn and as I gazed into his dark eyes I swore I could get lost in them for eternity.

"You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection." Papa removed my maiden's cloak tenderly, while Oberyn gathered his cloak from Deziel. He shook it out, flaunting the delicate embroidery of the Martell sigil. He drapped the orange-and-gold cloak over my shoulders, leaning in close to fasten the clasp around my neck.

"Let it be known that Kendra of House Baratheon and Oberyn of House Martell are one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever." The High Septon declared, the rainbow light shimmering off his crystal crown emphasised his joyous words.

"With this kiss I pledge my love." Oberyn spoke, once I echoed him he pulled me by the waist into a deep kiss.

As we pulled apart I heard cheering, the loudest of which came from the corner where Loreza and Dorea stood happily giggling.

Uncle Jaime and Jon Arryn lead the procession from the Sept to the Red Keep. Oberyn took my hand as he guided me down the marble pulpit following my Uncle out into the summer breeze.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2018 ⏰

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