Chapter 4

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"Ramon!" A high squeaky voice like the sound of a mouse called out to me in the empty hallways. I turned around to see Tiffany walking towards me, her heeled boots clicking against the ground, the closer she got. 

I noticed Riley behind her, trying to hold in a laugh as she ran up the stairs with her other friends. Riley, my sister was a piece of shit for befriending Tiffany. 

"Hi." She smiled at me as she stopped in front of me, fluttering her eyelashes. She held onto my arm, and looked up at me. "Want to get frisky in the janitors closet?" she winked at me. 

"I told you, I'm not fucking you in school." I blatantly told her while removing her arm from mine. "I've got work to do." I took a step back from her and she followed me. 

"I heard a little rumour today." She pouted her red lips at me. 

High school and their rumours. 

"Someone saw you talking to Charlotte today. You should stay away from her, baby. She's a little psychotic bitch." Tiffany sighed. 

I didn't answer her and I spun around and simply walked away. She called out to me, saying if I wanted to meet up after school. I ignored her. Riley had purposely become friends with her when I mentioned a girl called Tiffany wouldn't leave me alone. 

Charlotte was beautiful. Her smile even if it was sarcastic as fuck, she made my heart beat crazily. 

I walked towards the front door, just as I heard laughter. Josh. I turned around to see my friends walking towards me, Josh grinning widely, saying something as Calvin and Axel nodded and headed towards me. 

"Is no one going to say how hot that girl you bumped into was?" Josh blurted out as we walked out of the school. "I don't think I've seen her here before." He chuckled to himself behind me. 

I have seen her. The quiet girl with the big mouth that didn't give a fuck who you were. I wondered if she knew I could kill her in an instant or make her scream in pleasure. 

Charlotte Woods. The mystery girl that sat at the back of the class with her friend that wore colourful dresses. I had seen her for the first time last year. She had walked into English class extremely late, her hair was a little messy and she walked towards the back. Her eyes were distant, as if she had no idea where she was. She walked towards the desk besides me and sat down. I had stared at her like a little creep and she had covered half of her face with her hands as she stared ahead. No teacher ever gave a fuck about her. They didn't care that she was late other than slipping a piece of paper on her desk which said detention. 

Stupid fuckers. I had seen the tears in her eyes, but I saw the determination there as well. To not break down in front of anyone. I didn't know why she was so heartbroken or if a guy had fucked with her, but like a creep I watched her for the last few minutes of class. The moment the bell had gone, she was out the door and her colourful friend followed quickly behind her. Her detention was cancelled. I made sure she never got a detention after that and I didn't give a fuck if I was threatening teachers. 

That was the first day I had noticed her but she had never paid attention to me. The first girl in school who didn't give a fuck. It was admirable and stung a little but I never approached her. I didn't want to. 

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