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There was a sequel once upon a time...

For those of you, who don't follow me on Instagram.

I've decided I'm not going to write Broken Lie.

I don't know if this decision will change or not and you all will probably be disappointed but I think I just have to remember that I'm not supposed to force a book.

This book doesn't want to be written.

I'm not saying I won't ever write it. Maybe next year I'll write it, or the next couple of years, who knows. All I know is that right now, it's not going to happen. I've struggled with this book, and I literally never struggle when I want to write something. Little White Lie was written in 3 weeks. Why? Becauss the idea just hit me and I wanted to write it. With Broken Lie, it's been so difficult. I have over ten drafts on Google docs, named planning, final plan, BL final plan. I have docs opened that say "final writing of BL" because I wanted to write it for you guys.

I think the problem is that in the back of mind, I'm thinking back to the badboy series and how they were five books. I guess that's why I was forcing myself to write a sequel because I thought it needed it but sometimes books don't need a sequel.

What I have planned for Broken is too dark and I'm not in the right mind-set to write it. Think Damaged Touch dark. (One of my books on wattpad.) I somehow always have the problem of making my characters suffer so much before giving them a HEA. It's a problem. So for that reason I'm going to try something new, and let my mind decide instead. I'm not going to write it anytime soon and I hope you all understand.

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